Page:The Journal of the Indian Archipelago and Eastern Asia (IA journalindianar00loga).pdf/47

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step which European enterprize makes it thus followed by an accession of Chinese corruption, it is the more incumbent on Europe that she no longer stand aloof from the natives, and abandon them to the debasement of a civilization, purely industrial and sensual, to which she contributes to expose them.

It is time that England should see and be shocked by the effects of her past policy or absence of policy in the anarchy, degeneracy, oppressions and vices which largely prevail in many parts of the Archipelago. England would then learn by what a small effort, in comparison with those which she is daily making for objects of far inferior magnitude and moment, she might make herself known in her true character in the Archipelago, and speedily free the slave from his bonds; suppress the trade in men and its associate piracy; mitigate and eventually abolish the heavy monopolies and restraints which depress industry, and nourish oppression, fraud and corruption; and, having thus given to the people freedom in person, property and mind, lead them, through her sympathy and pity and their docility and gratitude, to a willing reception of the humanizing and elevating knowledge of christendom.