Page:The Kural or The Maxims Of Tiruvalluvar.pdf/160

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471. Weigh justly the difficulty of the enterprise, thy own strength and the strength of thy enemy, and the strength also of your[1] allies; and then enter thou upon it.

472. Behold the prince who knoweth his own force and hath learned what he ought to learn, and who oversteppeth not the limits his force and information : his invasions will never fail.

473. Many there have been who in the sanguineness of their hearts over-estimated their strength and adventured, but were cut off in the middle.

474. Behold the men who know not to live in peace, who know not their own measure and who are full of self-conceit : they will have a swift end.

475. Put too many of them and even peacock's feathers would break the waggon's axle.[2]

  1. Thy allies as well as those of thy enemy.
  2. i.e., even the most powerful king will succumb if he makes war with too many enemies at a time even if each of them should de despicable when alone.