Page:The Kural or The Maxims Of Tiruvalluvar.pdf/165

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496. The strong-wheeled chariot runneth not on the sea : nor saileth the oceangoing ship on dry land.

497. Behold the prince that hath planned everything beforehand and striketh at the proper objective : he wanteth no other ally than his own valour.

498. If the prince whose army is weak only betaketh himself to a proper theatre of war, all the endeavours of his strong foe would be vain against him.

499. Even if they have no proper defences and other advantages it is hard to beat a people on their own soil.

500. Behold the high-mettled elephant that hath faced without wincing a whole multitude of lancers : even a jackal will triumph over him when he is entangled in marshy ground.