Page:The Kural or The Maxims Of Tiruvalluvar.pdf/211

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726. What have they to do with swords, those who have no mettle in them? and what have they to do with books, those who are afraid to face the assembly of the wise?

727. Even as the sword in the hand of the eunuch on the battle-field is the learning of him who is afraid to face an audience.

728. Behold the men who cannot drive home their point before a learned assembly: even if they possess varied learning they are good for nothing.

729. Behold the men that possess learning but fear to face an assembly of learned men : they will be esteemed lower than even the ignorant.

730. Behold the men that are afraid before an assembly and are unable to expound what they have learned : though they breathe, they are no better than dead men.