Page:The Kural or The Maxims Of Tiruvalluvar.pdf/311

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1216. Oh that there were no waking state ! For then my dream would never be cut short and my beloved would never depart from me.

1217. The cruel one who pitieth me not while I am awake, why doth he haunt me in my dreams ?[1]

1218. He embraceth me while I am asleep[2] and rusheth into my heart as soon as I open my eyes.

1219. They reproach my beloved for that he doth not meet me to their knowledge: but then they see him not in dreams.

1220. These village folk say that he hath parted from me : is it that they see him not in dreams?

  1. Note the sudden change of mood.
  2. i. e. I dream that he embraces me.