Page:The Kural or The Maxims Of Tiruvalluvar.pdf/321

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1266. Let my spouse but return home: and then in one day I shall drink the nectar of his presence and bid farewell to this wasting disease.

1267. When the beloved who is dear even as my eyes cometh home, shall I sulk for his long absence ? or shall I embrace him ? or shall I do both ?


1268. May the prince begin the battle at once and triumph! And may I return in the evening and feast at home with my loved one !

1269. To those who count the days and yearn for the return of the beloved who is away, one single day will creep along with the slowness of seven.

1270. Of what avail will be my getting back or the meeting or even the hearty embrace, if the heart of my loved one be broken before then ?