Page:The Kural or The Maxims Of Tiruvalluvar.pdf/325

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1286. When he is before me I can see no faults in him: but when I see him not, I can see nothing in him but faults.

1287. Who will jump into a stream knowing that it hath a treacherous undercurrent that will carry him away ? and how should I take to sulking who know that I cannot hold on to it when he is near ?

1288. Wine is never unwelcome to the drunkard though it maketh him hang down his head in shame: even so is thy bosom to me, O false one!


1289. Even tenderer than a flower is love : and few there be who know its delicacy and deal with it gently.[1]

1290. There were the sulks in her eye when she saw me : but when I approached, she flew to my arms even quicker than I myself to hers.

  1. Thou art not one of those few, as thou woundest me in thy sulks.