Page:The Kural or The Maxims Of Tiruvalluvar.pdf/67

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26. The great ones are they who can achieve the impossible:[1] the feeble ones are those who cannot.

27. Behold the man who appreciateth at their true value the sensations of touch and taste and sight and sound and smell :[2] he will command the world.

28. The scriptures of the world proclaim the greatness of the men of the mighty word.

29. It is impossible to support even for a second the wrath of those who stand on the rock of renunciation.

30. It is saintly men that are to be called Brâhmans: for it is they that have compassion on all life.4

  1. i.e. control their senses.
  2. i.e. who knows that they are transient and at the same time misleading, and who therefore endeavours to transcend them.