Page:The Labor Laws of Soviet Russia (1920).pdf/10

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establishments also classified with the approval of the War Labor Board? Are not the employees of the United States Steel Corporation classified by the administration of the corporation? It was reported in the public press that Mr. Gary took exception to the workers' claim of a voice in the fixing of their wages.

Let us see, next, how wage scales are fixed in Soviet Russia. Under Sections 8 and 9 of the Code of Labor Laws the rules governing wages and conditions of employment in all establishments, whether public or private, are framed by the trade unions and approved by the People's Commissariat of Labor, which is the Russian equivalent of the American Department of Labor. "In cases where it is impossible to arrive at an understanding with the directors or owners of establishments" the wage scales are drawn up by the trade unions and submitted for approval to the People's Commissariat of Labor. It is a matter of public knowledge that the spokesmen for the American employing class have only too frequently refused to confer with representatives of labor unions as to terms of employment. In Soviet Russia if the directors or owners of industrial establishments fail to come to terms with the union of their employees the controversy is decided by the Department of Labor of the Soviet government, which is chosen by the workers and the farmers.

3. Mr. Redfield claims that under the Soviet code of laws the wage earner may change from one job to another only by the express permission of the labor authorities. The wage earner is not permitted to quit work until his resignation is ac-