Page:The Labor Laws of Soviet Russia (1920).pdf/29

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72. Payments shall be made in money or in kind (lodgings, food supplies, etc.).

73. To make payments in kind special permission must be obtained from the Local Department of Labor which shall determine the rates jointly with the respective trade unions.

Note. The rates thus determined must be based on the standard prices fixed by the respective institutions of the Soviet authority (valuation commissions of the Commissariat of Victuals, Land and Housing Department, Price Committee, etc.).

74. Payments must be made during working hours.

75. Payments must be made at the place of work.

76. The wage earner shall be paid only for actual work done. If a cessation of work is caused during the working day by circumstances beyond the control of the wage earner (through accident or through the fault of the administration), he shall be paid for the time lost, on the basis of the daily tariff rates, if he be employed on time work, or on the basis of his average daily earnings if he be employed on piece work.

77. A wage earner shall be paid his wage during leave of absence (Sections 106–107).

78. During illness of a wage earner the remuneration due him shall be paid as a subsidy from the hospital fund.

Note. The manner of payment of the subsidy is fixed by rules appended hereto.

79. Unemployed shall receive a subsidy out of the fund for unemployed.

Note. Rules concerning unemployed and the payment of subsidies to them are appended hereto.

80. Every wage earner must have a labor booklet in which all matters pertaining to the work done by him, as well as the payments and subsidies received by him are to be entered.

Note. Rules regarding labor booklets for wage earners are appended hereto.