Page:The Laboring Classes of England.djvu/18

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a copy of it was put into my hand by the late celebrated publisher, Mr. Murray, of Albemarle Street, London.

In perusing the following pages, it will be necessary that the reader should bear in mind, that the author is a working man, that he never went to school, that he is here describing things which he has witnessed in everyday life, and that his observations are confined to that portion of society in which he has lived and moved.

With these preliminary remarks, I leave the work to the candid reader, and to God's blessing, believing that it does not contain a single sentence which on my deathbed I could wish to erase.


P. S. Should any lady or gentleman feel desirous of seeing for themselves the horrors of the English factory system, as it is stamped on my person, a letter to my address, post paid, will be attended to.

No. 8 Mount Vernon Avenue.