Page:The Ladies' Cabinet of Fashion, Music & Romance 1832.pdf/31

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door in desperation, and sank down breathless and exhausted. It was now my brother's turn to be desperate ; and for a moment, I forgot my pain in witnessing his agonies. He shrieked for aid, and cursed his hapless fate ; and falling upon his knees, he invoked alternately the powers of heaven and hell , weeping and sobbing like a child. " We must die, Petro ! ' I exclaimed, in hopeless resignation ; yet it is hard to die, while there may still be a possibility of escape.' " But my brother's courage revived, and we made one more concentrated effort upon the door, and shook it a little. We strained harder ; it seemed to yield ; yet harder ; it was illusion ! The door was firmer than ever. "'Hell-fire !' exclaimed Petro, in frenzy, ' I will balk these flames yet !' Saying this, he darted to the front window, but as rapidly rushed back, scorched and miserably burned on his face and hands, and with his hair and clothes on fire. " Save yourself, and follow me ! ' he muttered through his closed teeth, and running with all speed to the back window, without stopping to open the blinds, or raise the sash, he plunged head-foremost into the yard. 66 My flesh was wretchedly burnt ; each pore of my skin seemed penetrated by a red-hot needle. Every fibre of my body was a chain of fire ; yet a chill ran through my frame ; my limbs were paralyzed with horror ; the weight of a hundred tons seemed pressing upon my breast. " Before following my brother's example, I tremulously applied my hand to the door, and on using a little strength forced it open. Joyfully I hailed the passage, and rushed precipitately down stairs. You know the rest." Here the patient ended. The admission of air by the window was probably the cause of the door giving way to his touch. The unfortunate young man died early in the morning, in a state of savage delirium. It should be observed, that his narration was frequently interrupted by paroxysms of madness ; but it was not necessary to preserve anything more than the bare details. His brother went through a tedious period of recovery, during which time his infamous partners made a way with the secreted property. No suspicion got abroad of the actors in this drama. Petro retired to some distant place, with what feelings , intents, or fate, I shall not attempt to describe.
