Page:The Ladies' Cabinet of Fashion, Music & Romance 1832.pdf/97

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Mr. H—— was an old and much-loved friend; of course I accepted it. I learned that there was to be a large company, and what was of more consequence to me, that Miss L , whom I had addressed for the last six months, was to be there. No one will think it strange, then , if I devoted more than usual attention to my toilet. Finding that the style of my boots was a little passée, I resolved to treat myself to new ones. The shop of the artisan was not far off, and thither I betook myself. Having selected a pair which came near the beau ideal of a boot, in my mind's eye, I proceeded to try them on. " A little too tight on the instep," said I , after I had fairly succeeded in drawing them on. "'Bout right, Sir," said the man of boots , rubbing his hand over the place indicated ; 66' they ' ll give a little ; fashionable cut, Sir ; make ' em all so, now ; fine foot, Sir, yours, to fit a boot to ; high in the instep -hollow here. They look well, Sir." The last part of the man's argument had the desired effect. He had assailed me in a tender point- almost the only one, I believe, in which it was possible for him or any other person to flatter me. My better judgment and understanding were overcome. I kept the boots. Having made my toilet, and put on my future tormentors, I set out for the residence of my friend. The arrival, salutations, announcement of dinner, etc. , are matters of course- so I let them pass. In due time, I found myself walking into the salon de manger, with Miss Lon my arm. A moment more, and I was seated at the table beside her. I did the duties that fell to me ; said to my companion every pretty thing I could think off ; sent her plate for some turkey ; carved a chicken that stood before me, and offered the wing to the lady opposite ; drank wine with my hostess, and procured some tongue for a lady on my left, who had no gentleman to take care of her. By the way, wish she had eaten her own , considering the use she afterward made of it. In fine, my mind was so completely occupied by the pleasures of my situation, the few good things I said to my companion, and the many she said to me, that I was unconscious of the curse that from the first had been developing itself. Soon, however, I became aware that something prevented my being perfectly happy. A few moments more, and I was fully aroused. I found the instep of my right foot in a state of open rebellion against the strictures that had been laid upon it, and particularly against the act of close confinement. In truth,