Page:The Land of the Veda.djvu/14

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of Christ and Christians—The Nana Sahib—His Agent Azeemoolah—A Hypocrite who has no Equal—Mohammedan Monopoly of Place and Power—Sepoy Army and its Disadvantages—Annexation of Oude—Dread of Christian Civilization—The Fakirs of India—Humorous Anecdote of Self-torturing Fakir—The Yogees—Hindoo Rules of Moral Perfection—Number and Expense of Saints in India—Militant Fakirs—Lucknow, its Beauty and Vileness—Those who Needed us Most—Our Mission Field—Joel, our First Native Preacher—Peggy's Sacrifice for her Saviour

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Reception at Bareilly—A Man who Never Heard of America—The Greased Cartridges—Methods and Motives Employed to Foment Rebellion—Willoughby's Gallant Defense of the Delhi Magazine—Massacre of Meerut and Delhi—Providential Compensations—Our Warning to Flee—Declined to Leave—Reconsideration and Flight—Left in the Terai at Midnight—God's Answer to a Brief Prayer—Our First Sight of Nynee Tal—The Massacre at Bareilly—Joel's Narrative of his Escape and Flight—Death of Maria—Bromfield-street and Bareilly on the Same Day—Massacre at Shahjehanpore—The Murdered Missionaries—“Tempering the Wind to the Shorn Lamb”—Our Measures of Defense at Nynee Tal—The Value of Our Heads—“The Mutiny Baby”—How we Lived, and our Commissariat—Mutilation of our Messengers—Hungry for News—Mrs. Edwards and the Garment of Praise—Lying and Blasphemous Proclamations of the Rebel Authorities—The Spirit of the Moslem Creed—The Delhi Battle of the 23d of June—Scarcity and Dearness of our Provisions—Our Rampore Friend—Le Bas and the Nawab of Kurnal—The Fakir and the Baby—Our Sudden Flight from Nynee Tal to Almorah—Again “in Perils in the Wilderness”—Light in the Darkness—Almorah Reached at Last—The Fearful State of Things before Delhi—Our Battle at Huldwanee



American Blood among the First Shed at Cawnpore—“These are They which Came Out of Great Tribulation”—Authorities for the Story—Sir Hugh Wheeler's Preparation—The Beginning of the Long Agony—A Sorrow without a Parallel—The Nana Sahib's Infernal Treachery—Reserves the Ladies for Another Doom—The Darkest Crime in Human History—The Nana Sahib Meets General Havelock—Totally Routed—Havelock's Soldiers at “The Well”—“I Believe in the Resurrection of the Body”—The Shrine erected by a Weeping Country—Blowing Away from Guns and its Motive—Siege of Lucknow — Sir Henry Lawrence's Preparation for Defense—The Disastrous Defeat of Chinhut—The Unequal Conditions of the Conflict—The Muchee Bawun Blown Up—Sir Henry Lawrence's Death—Determined Resolution of the Garrison—Value and Price of Stores—Soothing Influence of Prayer—The Omen of Coming Liberty and Peace—Havelock's Opportune Arrival at Calcutta—Military Services and Career—Begins his Grand March with a Handful of Troops—The Battles of Futtypore and Pandoo Nuddee—Enters Cawnpore July 17th—Too Late after all to Save the Ladies—Crosses the Ganges and Marches for Lucknow—Wins his Seventh Victory—Obliged by Cholera and the Condition of his Troops to Wait for Reinforcements—Sir James Outram's Noble Concession—Reinforced and On his Way again—The Residency Reached and the Ladies Saved—Shut in Again—Sir Colin Campbell's Approach to Lucknow—Jessie Brown and her “Dinnaye Hear the Slogan?”—Meeting of Campbell, Outram, and Havelock—Evacuation of the Residency—Havelock Dying—Reception of the Ladies at Allahabad