Page:The Land of the Veda.djvu/267

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over and above, I think you can hardly spare any thing, yourself being in trouble.

“I am not at all discouraged with this trouble; on the contrary, I hope it has been sanctified to my good. God forbid that I may be discouraged! but may he grant me that grace which may make my hope strong and my faith firm; and would to God that new vigor should be afforded me in the path of duty! My wife joins with me in sending her remembrance and regards to Mrs. Butler, Mr. Gowan, [whom he supposed to be with our party,] and to all others acquainted with me, and in prayers for our speedy restoration in the field of our labor. My mother-in-law and Jonas and wife offered their best regards to you both. Emma says, ‘Give my salaam [the prayer for peace and blessing] to my mother;’ that is to say, to Mrs. Butler.

 “Believe me to be your most obedient servant,

Joel T. Janvier.” 

I communicated again with Joel, sending money, and requested him to stand ready to release himself from his situation, and join me as soon as I should call him to his higher work. I knew his heart and could rely upon him. General Havelock's progress was necessarily slow, the fall of Delhi was delayed; but the hour of relief, on the south-west of our position, came at length, and I was enabled to reach the plains on the Dehra Doon side, and have him join me once more.

Every thing English in Bareilly—people, houses, furniture—was ruthlessly destroyed, all save the house which the English officers had used as a Freemasons' Lodge. The poor superstitious Sepoys understood that there was something mysterious transacted there, and it might not be safe or lucky to interfere with it in any way. So there it stood in its integrity, when we returned to Bareilly, alone and unharmed amid the ruins of the English station.

After their carnival of blood and ruin had been consummated in Bareilly the Sepoys began the work of dividing the plunder, and strange and fantastic were the scenes as they were afterward