Page:The Land of the Veda.djvu/271

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of prey. How sad were the cases of which I had personal knowledge, as well as the histories to which I have listened during the subsequent years, particularly of the trials and tortures to which ladies were subjected! Volumes might be filled with the dreadful details of these shameful atrocities: we can, however, name a few of the sufferers.

Of the Missionaries of the various societies within the circle around our position, the following suffered a cruel death at the hands of the Sepoys in the cities named:

Rev. W. H. and Mrs. Haycock, and Rev. H. and Mrs. Cockey, at Cawnpore, of the English Gospel Propagation Society.

Rev. J. E. and Mrs. Freeman, Rev. D. E. and Mrs. Campbell, Rev. A. O. and Mrs. Johnson, and Rev. R. and Mrs. Macmullin, at Futtyghur, of the American Presbyterian Mission.

Rev. T. Mackay, at Delhi, Baptist Missionary Society.

Rev. A. R. Hubbard and Rev. D. Sandys, at Delhi, English Gospel Propagation Society.

Rev. R. and Mrs. Hunter, at Sealcote, Scotch Kirk. Rev. J. Maccallum, at Shahjehanpore, Addit. Clergy. Society.

Some of these had children, who suffered with them.

Several Chaplains also were killed: Mr. Jennings in Delhi, Mr. Polehampton in Lucknow, Mr. Moncrieff at Cawnpore, and Mr. Copeland.

The mission property destroyed was estimated at the value of $344,400. Of this heavy loss, by far the greater portion fell upon the English Church Missionary Society, and the American Presbyterian Missions. The former lost $160,000, and the latter about $130,000.

Thus the mission of the Methodist Episcopal Church to India was, in the first year of its establishment, covered with a cloud, and the faith and patience of our Church was severely tested. It became a solemn question, how the Church would take this dispensation of Providence. Will she recede at the first difficulty? Will she give way because earth and hell have roused themselves up to resist her? Nay, “Greater is He that is for us than all that can