Page:The Land of the Veda.djvu/567

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It now remains only to present the yearly contributions—the self-help, realized in India for the support and extension of this growing work of God—ere we close this exhibit of the condition which it has already attained.

Benevolent Collections, 1893.
Missions 2,590
Sunday-schools 1,736
Church Extension 252
Tract cause 62
Bible Society 316
Children's Day 696
Dispensaries, etc. 1,869

Total 7,521
Educational Contributions.
English residents, for schools 9,333
Government grants, for schools 53,837
Fees from scholars 86,839

Total 150,009
Ministerial Support.
Europeans 45,541
Natives, for their pastors 6,482
For Bishops and Presiding Elders  199
For Conference Claimants 622

Total 52,844

Total raised in 1893 210,374
Equal to $70,127

The grants in aid of our schools are voted on the merits and results, which the government inspector of schools finds by his personal examination of them yearly, while the contributions of the English officers, civil and military, are given and continued on their intelligent conviction of the value of our work among the native people; and higher endorsement than both of these we cannot desire or look for.