Page:The Last Judgement and Second Coming of the Lord Illustrated.djvu/355

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really new condition of mental and spiritual life was produced among all the nations by whom this revelation was received. The Lord, by the introduction of Christianity, made new all the doctrinal and practical teachings of religion. Neither was the new wine put into old bottles. The Lord, in communicating His new truths, provided, in the development of new states in men, for their acceptance and appreciation. Thus the old things of Judaism passed away, and the new things of Christianity came into existence.

From this we may gather a clear idea as to what is meant by the new things which are to distinguish the New Jerusalem. The Lord predicted that the truths He had been teaching would be lost. He most distinctly said, "There shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect:"[1] He also tells us, with equal plainness, that "immediately after the tribulation of those days" He would come again. As the perversions of the Jewish Church were the occasion for His first advent, so the corruptions of the Christian Church are to be the occasion for His second coming. When this takes place He will cause the true teachings of His word to be seen as new things in His Church. And whosoever will look abroad may see that the time for their dissemination has arrived. How few are intellectually satisfied with the religious opinions they have been taught; and how many are looking forward for the coming of something more perfect. Such is the present state of the human mind, and such the freedom with which it is now capable of thinking about spiritual things, that men cannot help perceiving the confusion which everywhere prevails in the

  1. Matt. xxiv. 24.