Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/109

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THRID TARLIAMERT. XVIII. ofCHay. i 49 i. ^ thereof, that letters be written to the SchirefF of the Schire, Steward, or Baillie in Burgh , or to land, for the execution of the faid decreete , and to have for his office and fees, twelve pennies ol ilk pounde fa reco- vered^ be taken of the partie the faid decreete is given againft. And gif it happenis ony of the faidis Schireffes and officiares to failzie in their offices, not makand the parties to be payed,after the forme of the Kingis letters, within twentiedaies, offikafumme, as beis decreeted and recovered , as faid is: Qiihat SchirefFe or ony uther Officiar that beis negligent, as is forefaid , and makis not dew execution of the faidis decreetes , after the forme of the letters and decreetes, cummand to them thereupon , he that hes the office in charge, fall tine thefamin for three zeires, and he that hesthefamin in life-rent, fall tine it for ever-mair. And the coifts and skaithes of the partie, the Schireffe or Officiar to be debtour therefore,and rife it upon him or them, togidder with the principal fumme that is recovered. And in likewife the Proveftes and Baillies of Burrowes, to be fecluded fra their offices for ever mair , and to be debtour and pay the faid fumme with coiftes and ex- penfes , as faid is. 31. Of weapon-fchawinges. TEM, It is ftatute and ordained, that ilk Schireffe, Steward, or Baillie of the Realme gar weapon- -fchawinges be maid four times in the zeir in all places, convenient within his Baillierie , indiiswife-. That ilk Gende-man , havand ten pounds woorth of land or mair, be furficiently harnifhed and anarmed with bafnet, fellat, quhite-hat, gorget, orpiffane, hailllegge-harnes,fword, fpeare and dagger : and Gentle- men havand les extent of lands or unlanded , fall be armed at their gudlie power, after die fight and difcretion of the Schire ites and Baillies , and fik perfones as our Soveraine Lord fall depute Commiffioners thereto, and honeft zeamen havand fufficient power , that likis to be men of armes , to be harnifhed fufficientlie, after the difcretion of the faidis Schireffes and Commiffioners , and all uther zeamen of the Realme , betuixt fextie and fextene fall have fufficient bowes and fchiewes , fvvord, buckler, knife, fpeare, or anegude axe in Head of ane bow. And that all Burgefles and indwellers in Burrowes oftheRealme, in like maner be anarmed , and harnifhed , and mak weapon-fchawinges , as faid is , foure times in the zeir. And that the Aldermen and Baillies be corrected be the Chalmerlane or his deputes , for the execution of the faid thinges. And that all men of the Realme baith to Burgh and to Lande, Spiritual mennis fervandes, and Temporal, beweill purvaied of the faide harnes and weapones be the feafte dLMidfommer nixt to cum , quhilk fall be the day of weapon-fchawinges , under the paines followand , that is to fay , of ilk Gentle-man that defaults at the firft weapon-fchawinges, fourtie fhillinges , and at the fecond default , uther fourrie , and at the thrid default, ten pound. And alfmeikle als oft-times as he defaultis thereafter And of ilk bow-man at the firft fault ten fhillinges, at the fecond ten fhillinges , and at the thrid , fourtie fhillinges. And fa foorth als oft-times as he beis foundin faltife thereafter , fourtie fhillinges. And after the facultie of their landes and gudes , that everie man be furnifhed & harnifhed in his bodie with quhit harnes brigantines , or gud jacks , with fplentes and glooves of plait and weill horfed correfpondand to dieir lands and gudes , be the difcretion of the Schi- reffe , Commiffioner or Officiar forefaid. 3 z . Fute-ball and Golfe forbidden. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained that in na place oftheRealme there be ufed fute-ball, golfe, or uther fik unprofitable fportes , for the commoun gude of the Realme and detenfe thereof. And that bowes and fchutting be hanted, and bow-markes maid therefore ordained in ilk parochin , under the paine of fourtie fhil- linges to be raifed be the Schireffe and Baillies forefaid. And ot ilk Parochin ilk zeir , quhair it beis foundin, that bow-markes beis not maid , nor fchutting hanted, as is before faid. 33. Of mettes , meafiires and wechtes. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained, for the commoun gude of the Realme , honour and profite of our Sove^ raine Lordis Lieges , that the auld ftatutes and ordinances maid of befoir , baith to Burgh and to Land, alfweill of mettes and meafures, cuftomes and uthers , be obferved and keiped , after the tenour and forme of the aftes and ftatutes maid diereupon , and under the paines conteined in the famin. And that the Chal- merlanes provide , that this be obferved and keiped , and fpecially of weichtes , alfweill of wax and fpice, and fextene ounce of the pound. I 34. Of convocation and gadder ing in Burrowes. TEM, It is ftatute and ordained , that widiin all Burrowes dirow-out the Realme, na leagues nor bandcs ,_ be maid, norzit convocation, nor rifing of commouns in hindring of the commoun Law , bot at the command of their head Officiares : And gif ony dois in the contrair , and knawledge or taint may be gotten diereof , their gudes to be confifcat to the King , and their lives to be at the Kingis will. And that na man dwelland within the Burgh be foundin in man-rent , nor ride in na rowt in fear of weir with na man, bot with the King or his Officiares , or fiklike , under the famin paine. And als that na indweller within Burgh purchafe ony out-Lordfhip , or Maifterfhip to landwart , to rowt nor ride , topleyatbar, or ony Q_ uther