Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/112

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92. KING JAMES THE F O V RT H their Judging and Innes in the Towne ot Leith, and at uther Portes of the Realme , and chargis their gudes to the Sea , and uthers their merchandice , not payand their cuftomes and dewties to our Soveraine Lord , in that wife, that their gudes arun-entred, aseffeiris, nor their Merchandice fchawen to the cuftomers , and Cierkes of the Cocquet : It is ftatute and ordained , that in time to cum , quhen ony Schip of alienares , or ftrangers of uther Realmes , cummis to the Haven of Leith , or ony uther Porte within the Realme : The maifter or merchandes of the faide Schip fall take his ludging and Innes in the principal Towne of the faid Porte, and enter their gudes , aseffeiris. And to charge na gudes nor Merchandice to the Sea , quhillitbe ieene be the cuftomers and Clerks of the Cockquet , quhat gudes and Merchandice they fend to the Sea , and the cuftomes and dewties payed therefore : And the hoaft of the Innes quhair the faid ftrangers ar fudged, fall anfvvere to the King for their cuftomes and dewties, gif the faid ftrangers paflis away un-cuftomed : And the faid hoaft fall give com pt to the Kingis Officiares and cuftomers , quhat gudes he lies foorth , efFeiring to the quantitie of the gudes that he entered: Sa that it fall be clearly underftandin , that he have away mer- chandice , and na money. And gif ony beis foundm breaking this ftatute , takand the money away , all the faidmoney and his uther gudes, fall be the Burgefles efcheit. And that the Kingis Hienefle depute fearch- ouies thereto , quhilkis fall fearche the famin , as they will ftand therefore to his Hieneffe, and his Eftaites. 41. That na Cor doner , nor uther Craftefmau , take na cuftomes of uther. ITEM, It is thocht expedient, becaufe it is clearly underftandin , that theCraftef-menofBurrowes, fik as Cordoners and uthers , takis of men of the famin Craft , cummand to tz metcat on CMononday , a penny of ilk man , quhilk is the caufe of dearth, and exalting of their penny-worthes, iik as fchoone was wont to be fauld for twelfe pennies, or better cheape, and uther Merchandice, that is exalted lor a penny, to fex, or aucht pennies , quhilk is great skaith to the commoun profit : That thereiore na maner of Craitef-man, nor Cordoner, take ony maner of taxation, penny, nor uther, then was woont to be taken of the auld Lawe. And quha fa dois in the contrair , fall be repute as ane oppreffour of the Kingis Lieges, and to be indicled therefore: And the Clerk of the Juftice aire, to take dittay there-upon. Sa that he that is breaker thereof , fall bye his life therefore , as for commoun oppreflion. 43. Tutting do^jne of 'Deakons of Craftes^ and that na Mat fines nor take payment for Ha lie-dates. ITEM, Becaufe it is clearly underftandin to the Kingis Hienefle, and his three Eftaites , that the ufing of Deakons of men of Crafte in Burrowes is richt dangerous , and as they ufe the famin , may be the caufe of great trouble in Burrowes, and convocation and riling oi the Kingis Lieges, be ftatutes making , contrair the commoun pro fire, and for their fingular profite and avaue, quhilk fervis great punition, and alsbelangand Maifons& uther men of Craft, that conveems togidder , and makis rule of their Craft, fikasMaifons, and Wrichtes, and uthers, that they fall have their fee all w eill on the H alie-day , as for the wark-day , or elfe they fall not woorke : And als that quhat perfon of them, that wauld begin ane uther manniswarke, and he at his pleafure will leave the faid warke , and then nane of the faid Craft dare not compleit , nor fulfill the famin warke : It is herefore advifed, ftatute and ordained , that all lik Deakons fall ceafe lor ane zeir, and have nane uther power, bot allanerly to examine the fines of the ftutfe and warke , that beis wrocht, with the remanent of his Craft : And als belangand Maifons , Wrichtes , and uther men of Craft , that ftatutis , that they fall have fee alfweill for the halie-daie, as for the wark-day : i hat all the makers and ufers of the faid ftatutes, fall be indicated , as commoun oppreflburs of the Kings Lieges be their ftatutes. And that the Gierke of the Jufticiarie , fall take dittay thereupon , and they to be punifhed as oppreflbures : And in likewife , of the makers of the ftatutes , that quhair ony beginnis ane manniswarke, ane uther fall not ende it: That all the makers and ufers thereof, fall be punilhcd as opprelToures of the Kingis Lieges , and dittay to be taken there- upon , as is abone written. 44. t^Sient the taking of multure of flowre, that cummis furth of uther landes. ITEM, Anent the complaint maid upon the taking of multure of the flowre , that cummis furth of uther landes to the Porte and Haven of Leith : It is thocht expedient , advifed, and ordained, that all fik ftatutes fall ceafe unto the nixt Parliament : And that there be na multure taken for fik flowre in times to cum , nor of the flowre that cummis to the mercat . bot that it may cum to the mercat , and be fauld with multure , or ony uther new taxation, that was ufed to be taken of befoir : And that all men be free to bring and fell victual, all the daies of the oulke , alfweill as on the mercat-day : And this afte to be obferved and keiped in all Bur- rowes of the Realme. 45-. That the Juftice-Clerke take foorth all the ftatutes, that hes paine of dittay. ITEM, Becaufe there is mony diverfe ftatutes , quhilkis lies in the end of them the paine of dittay , and lies not bene in time by-gane clearely fpeared at the indiftmentes taking , as they fulde have bene , throw the quhilk drverfe perfones , that lies broken the faid ftatutes lies not bene punilhcd : I T I S advifed , ftatute,