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i34 KING JAMES THE FIFTH as neede beis, to furnifh and ende foorth the faide warke , for policie of the Realme : And that na impediment be maid to fik Craftef-men , ufand their Craft , as faide is , be ony uther of the faide craft vvi thin this Realme, under the paine of tinfell of their freedome , and breaking of the acles of Parliament: And that the Proveft and Baillies of all Burrowes, take inquifition hereupon, and put this a&e to execution in all poyntes. 1x2. For drawers of Claith. ALSWA, It is ftatute and ordained , anentis drawers of claith , and Litftars of falfe coullours : That in everie Burgh, there be an qualified man chofen , to feale ail claith , and fall have for his laboures, of ilkfteikfealling, twelve pennies. And gifony drawers of claith, beis apprehended , that ane halfe of the faidis gudes , to be our Soveraine Lords efcheit , and the uther halfe to the Burgh , and the faid drawers with- in Burgh, for the firft faulte, to tine their freedome for zeirandday : And for the feconde fault for ever. And fik-like, of them out-with Burgh, dingand calk , creifche, flailland , or cardand claith , that the famin be efcheit , and they halden to refound the skaith to the awners : And gif the faide fellar beis foundin culpable, fealland un-fufficient coullour , or drawen claith , he to tine his freedome , and to be punifhed in his perfon and gudes. 113. Fore-ftaliers within Burgh. TEM, It is ftatute and ordained, gifony Fore-ftaliers be apprehended, fore-ftalland onymanerof Merchandice, victualles, pultrie, or gudes quhat-fum-ever , within the freedome of Burgh, that the OfF.ciares of the faide Burgh, efcheit the famin , the ane halfe to our Soveraine Lordis ufe, and the uther halfe to the Burgh , conforme to the acle of Parliament maid hereupon of before : And that na uther Officiar have power thereto , within the boundes of free Burgh. 114. t^Anentis weichtes. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained , that na Burgh have ane weicht to bye with , and ane uther to fell , dif- ferent in weicht therefra , bot that all Burrowes have ane univerfall weicht of the Itane , baith for byeing and felling of all ftuffe in time to cum. 115-. ^Annexation of landes to the Qrowne. UR SOVERAINE LORDE, With advife and confent of his three Eftaites, lies annexed the Landes under written , to remaine perpetuallie with his Grace , and his Succeilbures, as patrimonie of his Crowne, with all claufis , reftri&iones and provifiones , fik-like as is conteined in the annexations of uthers landes , maid be his Hienefle in his laft Parliament , and be his Predecefioures , Kingis of Scotland: And wills that the famin be halden as for exprehe in this prefent afte : Of the quhilkis landes the names followis : That is to fay, All and haill the latads of Cro-mar and Braa of Mar : All and findrie , the landes of 'Hmder-laud, with the Towre and Fortalice of the famin , and their pertinentes , advocationes and dona- tiones of Kirks and Chaplanaries : All and findrie , the lands and Barronnie of Eaft-weemes , Towre and Fortalice of the famin , advocation and donation of Kirkes, tennents, tennandries , partes, pendickles, an- nexes , connexes, and pertinentes thereof: And all uther and findrie landes , quhilkis perteined to umquhiie James Colvillo{ Eaft-weemes Knicht, the time of his deceafe , and nowe perteining to OUR SOVE- RAINE LORDE, be reafon of doome of forefaltour given thereupon : And als the landes oiBtick.' haven, except fa- meikle thereof, as pleafe the Kingis Grace , to give to the Abbot , and convent of T)um- fermeling , in excambium , for ane parte of their landes of IVefter-Kinghorne befide the Brint-Ilande , con- forme to the Chatters to be maid thereupon. And als except it fall be leafum to our faid Soveraine Lorde, to fet his faide annexed landes in few , for augmentation of his zeirlie rente , conforme to the a<fte of diflblu- tion maid in this prefent Parliament. 116. The diffblution of the union , for fitting offewes. ITEM, Becaufe it is thocht be the Kingis Grace, and the haill three Eftaites of this Realme, that the fetting of his landes , baith annexed and un-annexed in few , is to the great profite of his Crowne , fwa the ianiin be maid in augmentation of his rentall : It is therefore ftatute and ordained be our Soveraine Lorde, and his three Eftaites of this prefent Parliament, that it fall be leafum to his Hienefle , to fet all his proper landes, baith annexed, and un-annexed in few-ferme, to ony perfon or perfons, ashepleafis, fwa that it be not in diminution of his rentall , grahumes, or ony uther dewties, bot in augmentation of the famin, and to fet them with fik claufis , as he thinkis expedient , and to be given, according to the condition forefaide. And that the landes , that he fettis in his time , as faid is, ftand perpetualiie to the aires , after the forme of their condi- tion: And that this ftatute indure for the life-time of the King, our Soveraine Lord that now is , allanerly: fwa that the landes that he fettis in his time , with the conditions forefaidis , fall ftand perpetuallie : And after his deceafe , the annexations quhilkis ar maid of before , fall returne againe to the awin nature , fwa that his Succeilbures fall not have power to annalie nor fet in few, mair then they had before the making of this ftatute. 117. That