Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/16

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to minister therein in proper persone; that utheris be ordained in their steedes, for the quhilk they that hes sik offices of the King in fee, be halden to answer to him, gif they trespasse.

7. Sornares or companies over-lyand the Kingis Lieges, suld be arreisted and satisfie the King and partie.

ITEM, The Parliament statutis, and the King forbiddis; That na companies passe in the Countrie, to lye upon onie the Kingis Lieges: or thig or sojourne horse, outher on-Kirk-men or husbands of the land. And gif onie complaint be maid of sik trespassoures to the Schireffe of the land; that he arreist sik folk, and challenge them, and taxe the Kingis skaith upon them: And gif they be convict of sik trespasse, that they be punished, and finde Burrowes till assyith the King and the partie complainand. And gif sik persones takis ony skaith in the arressting of them, it fall be impute to them selfes. And in case that na complaint be maid to the Schireffe, the Schireffe sall inquire at ilk head court that he haldis, gif onie sik faultoures be within his Schireffedome. And gif onie be is founden, that they be punished, as is before written.

8. Customes and burrow mailles, ar annexed to the Croun.

ITEM, It it is consented be the hail Parliament, that all the greate and small customes, and burrow-mailles of the Realme, abide and remaine with the King till his living. And gif onie persone makis onie claime till ony part of the said customes, that he schaw to the King quhat he hes for him, and the King sall make him answere with advisement of his Councel.

9. Of landes and rentes that were our Soveraine Lord the Kingis Predecessoures, and schawing of halding.

ITEM, As anent landes and rentes, the quhilk were of before time OVR SOVERAINE LORDE the Kingis antecessoures: It is seene speedful, that the King charge all and sindrie Schireffes of his Realme, to gar inquire be the best, eldest and worthiest of their Baillieries, quhat landes, possessiones, or annuall-rentes perteinis to the King, or hes perteined in his antecessours times of gud memorie, David. 2. Robert 2. & Robert 3. his Progenitours; & in quhais hands they now be: And that ilk Schireffe gar retour be inquest under his seale, and their seales that be is upon it: And gif it likis the King, he may gar summond, all and findrie his tennentes, at lauchful daie and place, to schaw their charters and evidentes, and sa be their haldinges he may perceive quhat perteinis till him.

10. Of slaying of Salmond in forbidden time.

ITEM, Quha sa ever be convict of slauchter of Salmonde, in time forbidden be the Lawe, he sall pay fourtie schillinges for the unlaw. And at the thrid time, gif he be convict of sik trespasse, he sall tyne his life, or then bye it. And gif onie man be inseft to fish in forbidden time, al sik priviledges sall cease for three zeires to-cum. And gif onie dois the contrair, he sall tine ane hundreth shillinges for the unlaw before the Justice: Upon the quhilk trespasse, the justice Clerke sall inquire, at the receiving of the indimentes, as of uther poyntes belangand his office.

11. 'Of Cruves, Zaires, and Satterdaies slop.

ITEM, That all Cruves and zaires set in fresh water, quhair the sea fillis and ebbis, the quhilk destroy is the frie of all fisches, be destroyed and put awaie for ever mair: Not againe standing ony priviledge and freedome given in the contrarie, under the paine of ane hundreth shillinges. And they that hes cruves in fresh waters, that they gar keepe the Lawes, anentes Satterdaies slop; and suffer them not to stande in forbidden time, under the said paine. And that ilk heck of the foresaidis cruves be three inche wide, as the aulde statute requiris.

12. Mines of Gold and silver perteinis to the King.

ITEM, Gif onie mine of gold or silver be founden in onie Lordis Landes of the Reaime, and it may be prooved that three halfe pennies of silver may be fined out of the pound of leade: THE Lordes of Parliament consentis, that sik mine be the Kingis, as is usuall of uther Realmes.

13. That na Clerkes passe over the Sea, but the Kingis licence.

ITEM, It is statute be the haill Parliament, and be the King forbidden, that na Clerke passe, nor send procuratour for him ouer Sea, but leaue of our Lord the King asked and obteined.

14. That