Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/196

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I74 KING JAMES THE SEXT SCOTLAND, lieges and fubjects thereof, in favours of our faid Sonne , to that effect that in all times hereafter , he may peaceablie and quietlie enjoy the famin , without trouble , and bee obeyed as native King and Prince of the famin, be the lieges thereof. And underftanding , that be reafon of his tender zouth, he isnotofhabilitieinhisawinperfoun, to adminiftrate in his Kingly roome and governemcnt , asequitiere- quyres , quhill that hereafter he come to the zeires of difcretioun. And als knawing the proximirie of blude ftandand betwixt us, our faide Sonne, and our deareft Brother JAMES Earle ol Murray, Lord Abernethie, &c. And havand experience of the natural affectioun and tenderlie love , he hes in all times borne, and pre- fentliebearestowardesus, honour and eftaite of our faide Sonne. Of quhais love and favoure towardes him, wee cannot bot allure our felfe. To quhome na greater honour , joye, nor felicitie in earth can come, nor to fee our faide Sonne inaugurate in his Kingdome , feared, reverenced and obeyed be his iieges thereof. In refpecT: quhairof , and of the certaintie , and notorietie of the honeftie , habilitie, qualificaticun andfuf- ficiencie of our faide deareft Brother, to have the cure and regiment of our faid Sonne, Kealme and lieges forefaids, during our faide Sonnes Minoritie : Weehavemade, named, appointed, conftitute, and or- dained, and be thir our Letters , names, appointes, makes, conftitutesand ordainis ourfaid deareft B ro- ther JAMES Earle oiCMnrray , Regent to our faide deareft Sonne , Realme , and lieges forefaids , during his Minoritie and les age , and ay and quhili he be of the age of feventene zeirs compleit. And that our faid Brother be called during the faid fpace, Regent to our faid Sonne , his Realme and Lieges. Swa that our faid Sonne, after the compleeting of the zeiris forefaidis , in his awin perfoun , may tak upon him the faid go- vernment , and ufe and exerce all and findrie priviicdges , honouris and utheris immunities , that appertainis to the office of a King , alfweill in governing his Realme and people , according to the Lawis , as in repref- fing the violence of fik as wald invaid , or injuftlie refill him or them , or his Authoritie royail : With power to our faid deareft Brother JAMES Earle of Lsi'hrray , in Name , Authoritie and behalfe , of our faid maift deare Sonne , to receive refignatiounis of quhat-fum-ever Lands halden of him , or zit of Offices , Ca- frelles, Towres , Fortalices , Mylnes, Fifchings, Woods, Benefices, or pertiiientis quhat-fum-ever : the famin againe in our faid Sonnes Name , to give and deliver : fignatouris thereupon , and upon the gifts of Wairdes, non-entreifis , and relevis of Landis , and Marriages oiAiris falland , or that fall happen to fall in our faid Sonnes hands as fuperiour thereof. And als upon prefentatioun of Lands, Benefices, Efcheitis of guddis movabill and un-movabill , debtis and takkis , refpittis, remiffiounis, fuperfedereis , and upon the difpofitioun of Offices vacand, or quhen thay fall happen to vaik, to fubferive, and caufe be paft thefeil- lis. The faid office of Regentrie , to ufe and exerce in all thingis , priviledges , and commodities , fik-like als freely , and with als great libertie , as ony Regent or Governour to us , or our Predecefrouris ufed in ony times by -gane , and fik-like as gif every head , priviledge and Artickle , concerning the faid Office, were at length exprefled and amplified in thir our Letters. PROMISAND to hald firme and ftabill , iri the word and faith of ane Prince , quhat-fumever things our faid deareft Brother in the prerniffis happinnis to doe. Chargeingheirforezou all and findrie, our Judges and Minifters of Law , Liegis and fubjectis foir- faidis , to anfwer aud obey to our faid deareft Brother , in all and findrie things , concerning the faid office of Regentrie , as ze and ilk ane of zou , will declair zou loving fubjectis , to our faid maift deare Sonne , and un- der all paine, charge and ofTenfe , that ze and ilk ane of zou may commit and inrinne, againft his Majcftie in that part. Subfcrived with our hand , and given under our privie feill , At Locfj/evw the 14. day of Julij, And of our Reigne , the twentie five zeir. z . Kj4kmt the abolifihing oft he Tape , and his ufarped authoritie. ITEM, Our Soveraine Lord , with advife of his deareft Regent , and three Eftaitis of this prefent Parlia- ment , ratifyis and apprievis the Act under written , maid in the Parliament haldin at Edinburgh the xif. day of Auguft , the zeir of God 1 c 6 o zeiris. And of new in this prefent Parliament , ftatutis and ordainis the faid Act to be as ane perpetuall Law , to all our Soveraine Lordis Lieges , in all times cumming. Of the quhilk the tenour followis. ITEM, the three Eftaites underftanding that the jurifdiclion and authoritie of the Bifchop o£ Rome, called the Pane, ufed within this Realme in times by-paft, hesnotonely bene contu- melious to the Eternail God , butalfoveryhurtfullandprejudicialltoour Soveraines authoritie, and com- moun weill of this Realme : THEIRFOIR It is ftatute and ordained , that the Bifchop of Rome , called the Pane, have najurifdictioun nor authoritie within this Realme, in ony time cumming. And that nane of our laid Soveraines fubjects , in ony times heirafter , fute or defire title or richt of the faid Bifchop oiRome, or his feci:, to ony thing within this Realme, under the paines of Barratrie, that is to fay, profcription , banimment, and never to bruike honour , office, nor dignitie within this Realme. And the contraveners heirof to be called before the Juftice or his deputes , or before the Lords of the Sdiion , and punifclied there- foir, conformetothcLawesofthisJIealme. And the furnifchers of them , with finance 01 money , and purchasers of their title of right, or maintainers , or defenders of them, fall incurre the famin paines. And that na Bifchop nor uther Prelat of this Realme , ufe ony Jurifdiclion in time cumming , be the faid Bifchop of Routes authoritie, under the paine foirfaid. And therefore of newedecernis and ordainis, the contrave- ners of die famin, in ony time hereafter , to be punifhed according to the paines in the forefaid Adl above rehearfed. St f. Client