Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/26

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caise that may not be foreseene, as wilde-fire, Rattones, or fowles, or sik likenesse, the law leavis it unpunished.

ITEM, Gif the Governoures of the Toune be negligent in the execution of their office, and this ordinance foresaid in onie poynt, we leave them in ten pounds to the King of unlaw.

ITEM, That na fire be fetched fra ane house till ane uther within the Town, bot within covered weshel or lanterne, under the paine of ane unlaw.

ITEM, Gif fire happerris in husband Tounes of Barroniies, we leave them to be punished be their Lordes, in like maneras Baillies and Governours dois in Burgh.



Halden at Perth, the last date of September, the zeir of God, ane thousand foure hundreth twentie sex zeires.

76. Anent the customes of Salmounmd and uther fish.

ITEM, It is statute and ordained, that custome be payed to the King, als weill of indwellers within the Realme, as of fremmed men, in onie Burrowes of the Realme: And as of strangers and unfreemen, of all Salmound and fish sauld and bocht, and had outwith the Realme, out of onie Burgh of the Realme.

77. 'Of Deakones of Crafts and their office.

ITEM, The King of deliverance of Parliament lies ordained, that the Deakones of Crafts in Burrowes, stande till the nixt Parliament, in the maner as after followis: that is to say, that the Deakon of ilk Craft, sall have na correction of the Craft, nor of na man thereof, bot allanerlie to see that the warke-men be cunning, and the warke sufficient, the quhilk be sall allay and examine everilk fifteene daies anis.

78. Of the fees of Craftesmen, and price of their warke.

TTEM, It is ordained, that the Aldermen and the Councel of ilk Toun sworne, sall see and price the mater, and the coaste, and the travel of the warke-man, and thereafter prise the made wark, how it sall be sauld, & that price make knawin to this Kings commouns and be oppen cryed.

79. Of the fees of wark-men.

ITEM, It is ordained that the Councel of the Toun sall see and ordaine quhat fee wark-men sall have for their handling of their Craft, that workis uther mennes warkes, as Wrichtes, Masones, & uther sik-like.

80. Of Wrichtes and Masones.

ITTEM, For quhy, that it is complained to the King & his Councel, that Wrichtes and Masones takis attanis on hand monie warkes, quhilkis they may not, nor will not fulfill at the time they hecht, throw the quhilk the Kingis Lieges ar skaithed, and the honour and profite of the land letted. Therefore it is ordained be the King and the Parliament, that it be cryed in ilk Toune openlie, that na warke-man take mair warke on hande, then he may gudlie fulfil after his cunning, under the paine of tinsel of the price of sa meikle warke that he takison hande.