Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/300

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'8 KING JAMES THE S E XT 6 o . The places appoyntedfor Proclamation , andferving of Brieves. ITEM, For the efchewing of fik hurt and inconvenient in time dimming , as findrie parties heretofore hes fufteiried , throw Proclamation of Brieves at places doubtmll , and appoynting diem to be ferved in places incertaine , far diftant fra the head-Burrowes of the Schireffe-dome , quhair the Lands-lies , quhilk hes maift freauenriy'occurred in fum SchirefFe-domes , quhair there is fum uthers jurifdiclions of Stewardries or Baillie- ries . within the bounds of die fame Schirefle-domes , and fum SchirefFe-domes , quhairof the head Burrows ar decaied or fallen in difluetude. For remeid of the quhilk inconvenients and doubts in time dimming : It is ftatute and ordained, that all Brieves for fervice of landes, lyand within the bounds of the Stewardries of Stmt heme , and Cfrfenteith , fall be proclamed at the mercat Crofle oiTerth , and to be ferved at the places ufed & woont within the faids Stewartries. All within the Stewartrie of F//£,be open Proclamation at the mer- cat-croceoftheBur2,hofC^/i?rz«F//^. All within the Bailiieries of Kyle, Carrie! , and Cunninghame , at the mercat croce of the Burgh oiAir. All within the Stewartries o{Kirkcudbricht and Annandaill, at the mercat croce o{T>rumfreis , And that the places of ferving of Brieves , and halding of Courtes to that effect be alwayes in the Tolbuith of the head Burgh of the Schire , Stewartrie or Baillierie , or uther pairtes within the fame Stewartries , and Bailiieries , quhair Brieves were maift ufually ferved , and Courtes halden to that eifect of before. 6 1 . Ane laick patrone infeft in the richt of patronage , wed-fet be onie his predeceffoures , after the Redemption theirof, cannot be hurt , be langpcjfejjion of ane Ecckjiajticallperfon. UR SOVERAINE LORD, With advife of his three Eflaites of this prefent Parliament, under- Handing that diverfc Earles , Lordes, Barronnes, andudierishisHieneileFree-halders, being infeft in their lands and Banonnies , with advocation , donation , and richt of Patronage of Benefices : T hey have annalied certaine of their landes and Barronnies , in wed-fett , under reverfion , through the quliilkis alienati- ons, the faidis landes and Barronnies lies remained widi the perfones receivers dieirof in wed-fett, ane ioo. zeires and mair. In the meane time , certaine Prelates , Abbotes , or uther Ecclefiafticall perfones, havand richt or title, cled them with the faidis Benefices, and thereby, quietlie intrudis them in the poOeffion and richt thereof, in default of the faidis Patrones , quha take na regarcf thereto , during the faid none-redemption of the faidis wed-fettes. Quhair through , the faidis juft and lauchtull laick Patrones of the faidis benefices, hes bene heavelie prejudged in their richtes and prefentations of the fame in time by-gane: Therefore for remeid theirof, It is ftatute and ordained , be our Soveraine Lorde , that na pofleflion apprehended bee Bifhoppes, Abbotes, Priors, or uther Kirk-men , ofquhat-fum-everParfonages, Vicarages, Chaplana- ries, Prebendaries, or uther Benefices , belangand to the faidis Fries, Lordes, Barronnes, Free-halders, cr utheris laick patrones , and quhairin they arfpeciallie infeft be their chartoures, fall be ony waies hurtfull or prejudicial to their richtes and titles , of the faidis laick patronages , after redemption of their landes and wed-fettes , alfweill alreadie ufed in times by -pail , as to be ufed : Bot that the faidis laick patrones may as freelie bruik , joys , and ufe their faids Patronages , and prefent qualified perfones thereto at all times : fik-like as the faidis Kirk-men had never apprehended poffeflion of the fame, and notwithflanding thereof. 6z. The principal gift of 'Tenfions fnld be produced ' , and 'the famin being improven, The con- firmation, and all decreets following there-upon, ar null. UR SOVERAINE LORD, and the three Eftaites of this prefent Parliament , having confi- deration how that findrie Benefices within this Realme , hes bene burdened with counterfaicled and in- valide giftes of Penfiones of victual, or filver, or fpecial affignation of haill Kirkes , with fruites theirof; And upon the faid feinzied and invalide giftes , lies obteined his HienelTe, or his Predecefloures ratification, aitherin Parliament, oroutwith, and but onie fight of their principal gift , upon their onelie ratifications and confirmations , lies obteined decreetes before the Lordes oiSeilion, and utheris Judges, quhair in-cafe they had produced onie principall , aither the fame vvald have bene found invalide , or the falfed theirof walde have bene tryed or knawen. Therefore it is ftatute and ordained , be OUR SOVERAINE LORD, and the three Eftaites forefaides, in time cumming , that quhair ever queflion or controverfie fall arife , upon the Penfioas to be purchafed or obteined , be quhat-fum-ever perfons, alter the dait hereof: Or upon the in- validitie of the famin Penfiones, thepartiefuiterofthefaidPenfion, fall be halden to produce the principal gilt and penfion , To the quhilk their ratification and confirmation fall be relative , at the defire of the partie, quhais benefice is burdened bee that penfion, utherwaies they fall be fecluded fra all richt, to the faid pen- fion, or ony part thereof. And in-cafe the principal gift and difpofition , beis outlier improven or reduced be the Judge ordinar: In that cafe the faid party pretendand richt to the faid penfion , fell never be heard to acclaime onie benefite thereby : Notwithftanding onie ratification , confirmation, decreetes, or letters in the four formes following there-upon: Quhilks the faidis Lordes declaris , needis na reduction in this cafe, in times cumming : The grounds to the quhilks , the faids ratificationes , confirmationes , and decreetes is re- lative , being tane awaie. iy The