Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/35

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NINTH PARLIAMENT. VI.of March. 1429.

Gentlemen aucht to be: And urheris semplar of tenne pounde of rent, or fiftie pundes in gudes, have hat, gorget, and a pesane with wambrasseris and reirbrassers, and glooves of plate, breast plate, pans, and leg splents at the least, or gif him likis better.

121. Anent the gratheing of Zeamen for weire.

ITEM, That ilk Zeaman, that is of twentie pound in gudes have a gud doublet of sense, or ane habirgeon, an iron hat, with bow, schaif, sword, buckler, and knife, and the Zeaman , that is na archer, nor cannot draw a bow, fall have a gude suir Hat for his head, and a doublet of fense, with sworde and buckler, and a gude axe, or else a brogged staffe.

122. That ever-ilk Barronne within himselfe ordaine his men to be graithed, as is before written.

ITEM, It is statute and ordained, that ilk Barronne within himselfe sall see and ordaine his men to be bodin, as is before written. And gif he dois not this betuixt this and Martine-mes, the Schirefre sall raise of ilk ZZeaman then not bodin, as is foresaid, a wedder: and of ilke Gentleman, two wedders, sa that they be warned of fourtie daies warning at the first time: and at the nixt time of fifteene daies warning, of ilk Zeaman not bodin, twa wedders, and of ilk Gentleman four wedders: and at the thrid time of fifteene daies warning of the Zeaman three wedders, and of ilk Gentleman a Mair, and swa furth fra fifteene daies to fifteene, quhill they be anis lauchfully bodin, as effeiris.

123. Of ilk Burgesse man havand fiftie pimdes in gudes.

ITEM, It is ordained, that ilk Burges havand fiftie poundes in gudes sall be haill an armed, as a Gentleman aucht to be: And the Zeaman of lawer degree, and Burgesses of twentie pundes in guds sall be bodin with hat, doublet, or habirgeon, sword and buckler, bow, schaif, and knife: And that hee that is na bow-man, have a gude axe and sure weapons, as is foresaid: And diat the Baillies sall raise the paine hereof in Burgh, gif it beis not keeped: that is to say, of ilk harnished man four shillinges at the first, aucht shil-linges at the nixt, a marke at the thrid daie, ay foorth quhill he be weill anarmed : And of ilk Zeaman twa shillinges at the first, foure shillinges at the nixt, and aucht ihillinges at the thrid, and fwa foorth, quhill he be weill anarmed.

124. Anent shippes that breakis in this Realme.

ITEM, It is statute and ordained, that Schippes that breakis in this Countrie, the Schippe and the gudes sall be escheit to the King, gif they be of thay Countries, the quhilkis usis and keipis the samin law of broken Schippes in their awin lande, and gif they be Schippes of onie land that keipis not that law, they sall have the samin favour here, as they keepe to Schippes of this land broken within them.

125. That Advocates and Fore-speakeres in temporal Courts sall sweare.

THROW the consent of the haill Parliament it is statute and ordained, that Advocates and Fore-speakers in Temporal Courtes, and alswa the parties that they pleade for, gif they be present, in all causes that they pleade, in the beginning or he be heard in the cause, he sall sweare, that the cause he trowis is gud and kill, that he sall pleade. And gif the principal partie be absent, the Advocate sall sweare in the saule of him, after as is conteined in thir meters.

Illud juretur , quod lis sibi justa videtur.
Et si quaretur verum, non inficietur.
Nil fromittetu, nec falsa frobatio detur.
Vt lis tardetur , dilatio nulla fetetur.

126. Barronnes and Lordes havand landes on the West Sea, and on the North, suld have Galayes.

ITEM, It is statute and ordained, that all Barronnes and Lordes havand lands and Lord-shippes neir the, sea in the West, and on the North parts and namelie for-anent the lies, that they have Galayes, rhat is to say, ilk foure markes worth of lande ane aire. And that this till understande of them, that are not fest before of Galayes. For they that are fest before sall keepe and uphalde the Galayes, that they are fest of before, and halden to susteine be their aulde infestment. And that the saids Galayes bee maid and reparrelled be Maij cum a twelfe-moneth, under the paine of ane marke to be raised to the Kingis use of ilk air. And the landes and Lord-schippes, quhat ever they be, strikand endlang the coast syde, and inward in the land, sex mile sall contribute to the reparation and the sustentation of the ſaids Galayes.

117. Of