Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/375

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F1FTENTH PARLIAMENT. XIX. ofTfecember. i 597 . jS < all Claith and uther wares and merchandice , to be brocht within this Realme , be his Hienes fubjects , at all times hereafter. For the quhilk purpofe, his Majeftie, with advife of his faide Nobilitie,: Councell and Eftaites, hes thocht meete , concluded, and ordained, that all Claith , and utheris merchandice quliat- fum-ever , to bee brocht within this Realme , fra all foreine Nationes , fall pay the cuftome following at the time of their arrivall, and enrrie therein, in all time cumming, that is to fay, twelve pennies of everie poundeswoorthofall fortes ofthefaidis wares, or merchandice: And to this efrecte , his Hienefle, and his faideNobilitie, Councell, and Eftaites, givis full power and Commifiion to the Lordes , Auditou'res of his Checker, and uthersofhisNobilitie and Councell, to the number alvvaies of elleven perfones , attheleaft to fetdowne the ^A. B. C of the cuftome of all claith, and uthers wares, and merchandice , quhilkis fall be brocht and entered within this Realme zeirlie here-after : with power likewife to them , to kt price upon the faidis wares: ConformetotliequhiiktheCuftomers, to bee appoynted bee his Majeftie to that effect, fall up-lift cuftome thereof: and to make all uther ordinances neceflar for the eafe of the mercharides, and furetie of his Hienefle Cuftome , in the execution of thepremifles : And alfwa of fik uther guddes , to bee tranfport- ed foorth of this Realme, as is not as zit exprefled in the ^Z?.Calreadie maid: Providing this Acte bee not extended to Earles, Lordes, Barronnes, and Free-halders : Botitfallbeleafumtothem , to fend their guddes beyond Sea, for their awin particular ufe : AND A LS, It fall bee leafum to them to bring within this Realme , Wines , Claithes , and uther furnifhinges , for their awin particular ufe : And nawaies to make merchandice thereof, conforme to the Lawes and liberties granted to them of before : The quhilk acte, above written, OUR SOVERAINE LORD, and Eftaites forefaidis , decernis and declaris, I to ftand as ane law in all time cumming. x^i. Englifh claith , and ' all uthers Engliih merchandice maid of 'wool, is forbidden. OUR SOVERAINE LORD, And Eftaites of this prefent Parliament , ratifies, apprievis, and confiimisthea&emaidat©««^', the threttenth daye ot tJMaij , thezeirof GOD, anethoufand five hundreth , ninetiefevenzeires: Anent the hame-bringing of E/zj?/^ Claith: Of the quhilk the tenout ■ followis : T H E Quhilk day the Kings Majeftie , his Nobilitie, Councell, and Eftaites, prefentlie conveened, I fore-feeing the greatehurte and inconveniente, quhilk the commoun Weill of this Realme dailie fufteinis,' j tlirow the un-profitable trade ufed bee Merchandes , in the hame-bringing of Englifb Claith, and utheris ! Englifb wares and Merchandice maid of wooll : The fame Claith havand onelie for the maift parte , ane out- j wardefchaw, wantand that fubftance and ftrengdi, quhilk oft-times it appearis to have: And beina ane of | the chiefe caufes of the tranfporting of all gold and filver foorth of this Realme : Andconfequentneofthe [ great fcarfitie, and prefent dearth of the cuinzie, now current within the famin : Seeing that kinde of ex- . change , cannot weill bee interteined be ony lauchfull trade , or utheris wares or merchandice , to be tranf- < ported foorth of this Realme , quhilk be the Lawes of die famin, ar not alreadie prohibite and forbidden: ' And therefore his Majeftie , with advife ot his faidis Nobilitie , Councell, and Eftaites forefaidis, lies thoucht j , meete and conveniente, to reftraine the hame bringing within this Realme, of all Englifb Claith, or uther

Englifb wares or merchandice maid of wooll in time cumming : And ordainis his Hieneffe Lieges , of quhat
eftaite, qualitie, or degree that ever they be of, that nane of them take upon hande , to bye or bring hame

j within this Realme to be fauld , ony kinde of Englijb claith, or uther Englifb wares , or merchandice maid j of wooll, at ony time hereafter, under the paine of confutation of the fame claith and merchandice : And all uthers the moveable guddes of the hame-bringers to his Majefties ufe : The quhilk act, our faid Soveraine Lord , and Eftaites forefaids , ordainis to ftand as ane law in all time cumming. 25-3 . Great burne Coale , fidd not be tranfported furth of this Realme. OUR SOVERAINE LORDE, And Eftaites of this prefent Parliament , ratifies , apprievis, and confirmis the Acte maid at T)midie , the threttene daye of CWaij , the zeire of God , anethoufand -five hundreth , ninetiefevenzeires: Anent the tranfporting ofCoalesfurth of this Realme. Of the quhilk the tenour followis : FOR- Sameikle as it is underlland to the Kingis Majeftie , his Nobilitie , Councell, and Eftaites, prefentlie conveened : That the greate burne Coales , ar commounlie tranfported foorth of" this Realme, be diverfe and findrie perfones, quha at all times laidenis their Schippes and uthers vefchelles therewith, and tranfportis the fame at their pleafure, ufand the famin as a commoun trade togidder , with- { out his Majefties licence or permiffion: To the great hurte of" the commoun weill , and expreflelie againft his Hienefle Lawes , acles of Parliamente , and findrie proclamations maid in the contrair: Forremeid quhairofin time cumming his Majeftie, with advife of the faidis Nobilitie, Councell, and Eftaites fore- faidis, ftatutis and ordainis , that na perfones , alfweill llrangers , as uthers borne fubje&es of this Realme, t ake upon hande to tranfporte onie greate burne Coale foorth of this Realme , at Ony time hereafter : Nor zit .aiden their Schippes, Creares, or uthers vefchelles there-with, to be tranfported, as faid is, under the paine of confutation of the fame Coales, Schippes, Creares, and uthers velchelles , to his Majefties ufe : Certifiengthem, and they doe in die contrair , that die fame Coalles , Schippes, Creares, and vefchelles, fallbeconfifcatandintrometted-widi, with all rigour and extremitie, in exemple of utheris. And to this effect, thatallProveftesandBailliesofthe faidis Buirowes, Cuftomers and fearchcures quhat-fum-ever, C c c 3 fall