Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/385

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FIFTENTH PARLIAMENT. XIX. of December. i 597 . 3 6 3 Maifter David Carnegy oiCulluthy : Sir George Hume of Wedder-bume Knight : John Towres oHnner- Leith, zn& Alexander StratounoiLaureftoun : Henry Nif bet , Proved of Edinburgh : SirlFtlliam Sea- toun, Proveit of Had'mgtoun : NicollComewelloi Bonehard , VtovdHoi Linlithgow, and fFalter Cowave, Commiffioner to this prefent Parliament , for the Burgh of Strivilmg ; Or ony audit of them, there being alwayes twa of die Spirituall ftaite : Twa Noble-men : Twa Barronnes , andtwaCommiffionersofBur- rowes : Quhilkis perfones fall allaaerly dired: the faidis precepts to the faid Colledour, fot anfwering of ony part of the faid taxation , and that allanerly to the ufe abone written , for directing of the faidis Enibafla- doures. And gif ony precepts upon ony uther efTed , or to ony uther ufe , bee anfwered , then to the ufe abone written , in that cafe , allweili the faid Colledour , as fa monie of the Commiffioners abone written , as fall fubferive the faidis preceptes , fall be anfwerable to his Hienefle and Eftaites, for the fumme deb- urfed. And the fame preceptes fall be na difcharge and allowance to the faide Colledoure in his comptes. And gif at ony time appoynted for in-gathering ot the faid taxation , occafiones may interveene , that it fall not be neceflar to direct away aiiie fik Embafladoures. It is alwayes provided , that the faid Colledour fall reteine the faid fumme in his hands ay and quhill that the faidis Embafladoures be direct : Or that be his Hie- nefle Parliament and Eftaites to bee conveened hereafter : I he faide fumme fall be imployed , with all their confentes, to fum uther gudewarke, tending to his Hienefle honoure , advancement and weill of this Re- alme : Upon the quhilk declaration , Henry Nifbet , Provcft of the Burgh of Edinburgh , in name of the haill Burrowes , asked inftruments. L I K E-W I S E , It is provided that the faide Colledour fall be na-wayes urged nor fubjed , to receive , The coiie. nor anfwere ony affignation or precept , to the ufe abone written , exceeding his recept or intromuTion , *""" f M albeit the famin be orderly fubferived, as faid is, botthat it fall be ane futficient excufe to him in refu- ^^ h „ ilng the acceptation thereof, that he hes received na mair, norhee lies deburfed alreadie, upon anteri- hee re- out precepts. ceiv "- AND FURDER, His Majeftie and Eftaites , confiddering that diverfe and findrie perfones, dwelland Regalities. within Regalities , hes without onie regard of his Majefties Lavves , paft wilfullie to his Hienefle home , and remained thereat as re belles, thinking themfelves in furetie great anough , bereafon that theLordes of the faidis Regalities , having richt to their faidis efcheittes , commounlie difponis die famin in favours of the faidis rebelles : Quhair- throw his Majeftie is defrauded of fa-meikle of die faid taxation , as is to be payed be them : Forremeidquhairof, his Majeftie and Eftaites , be thir prefentes , determinates and concludis , that in all time hereafter , quhenonieperfon, within onie Regalitie within this Realme, be denunced for none-pay- mentofthe faid taxation, that the Lordes of the faide Regalitie , fall either caufe the faide fumme, quhair- fore the faide rebell is denunced, be payed to his Majefties Colledour, of this prefent taxation, betuixtand the faid fifteenth daye of March , nixt-to-cum : Or then the faid Lord of Regalitie , fallrenunce and give over onie ticht and title , that he may have or claime to the faid rebelles efcheit : And that in favour of his Hienefle Thefaurer , quhom his Majeftie and Eftaites forefaidis , ordainis to intromct therc-with , and to make compt of the famin , before the Lordes Auditours of his Hienefle Checker : That be this preparative hereafter , his Hienefle be not defrauded of onie part of die faid taxation , be reafon of the faid rebelles volun- I tar pafling to the home , as faid is. AND LAST, Becaufe the officiares,chargars for the faid taxation, up-lifteres,and receivers of the famin, ^»'<<» hes bene in ufe of allowing to themfelves of great and extraordinar tees for their fervice , quhilk was ane great *'"' impairing of the former taxation, there being ane great parte thereof befto wed upon the charges, in in-get- pting of the famin , albeit it might have bene in-gaddered upon farre leffe expenfes , gif fwa the Lolleftoures of before had ufed the greater fore-fight , in not fuffering the (aids oificiares , ro continue in their alleged wounted bllowance : Therefore his Majeftie and Eftaites , ordainis the faide CollecT:our Generall , of the faid taxa- tion, tocompone, tranfacl:, and agree with die faidis officiares, executours of the faidis charges, uponals Lreafonable condition as is poffible , having na refpeel: al-to-gidder , to anie auld confuetudes , that the faidis officiares may crave be onie allowance granted of before. Collected, vified and extraBed, foorth of the Bukes and Regifler of the ^Atfes of Parliament , at bis CMajefties command : Be me CMaifter JOHN SKENE, Clerk of his Hienejfe Councell, Regifler and Rolles, under myfigne and fubferipion manuaU. JOANNES SKENE Ck Regifler. FINIS. ANE