Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/391

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S EXT E NTH PARLIAMENT. XV. of November. 1600. 369 licences given by his Majeftie , for bearing and wearing of Hagbuts , Piftolets and others ingynes of fire-wark. And ftatutes and ordaines , that na licences fliall be granted in tyme comming to no perfons for bearing and wearing of the famine , except that the famine licences be graunted by his Heighnes, and Lords of fecret Counfell fitting in Councell : And when the famine licences are fa graunted, ordainis the famine licences to pay compofition to his Heighnes Thefaurer, and pane his Regifter, and to pafie the Signet and haill feales; and decernes and declares all licences not graunted in Counfell, and whilk iliall not pay compofition and pafle the Signet and haill feales, asfaidis, to be null and of nane availl. And notwithstanding thereof, the {aids perfons to be accufed , conforme to this prefent act , and aits of Parliament made of before. 7 , Explanation of the affs ofTarliament anent Ocker and UJurie. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, With advife and confent of the Eftaites, ratifies and approves the acts of Parliament made againft Ufurie and taking of unlawfull annuel-rent or proflte for filver in all poy nts , according to the tenour of the famine. And becaufe the obfcurity of the acl of his Majefties fiftenth Parliament, titulat, It is not lefome to take mair annuel-rent or proflte nortenforthehundreth, anentthe maner of tryell and probation of the faid cry me by eath of partie , and all other lawfull probation conjoyned there- with, competent of the Law, lies bred fie difficultieinperfuteanddecifionofthefaidscaufes, that Juftice thereby hes bene greatlie fruftrat , and the contraveiners of the faid act altogether unpunilhed. Therefore his Majeftie with advyce and confent forefaid , ftatutes and ordaines that in all actions alreadie intended, dependand, or hereafter to be intended againft contraveiners of the faids acts, Litifconteftation being made therein , by admitting of the fummonds to probation , it lhall be lefome to prove the faids fum- monds and contraveining of the faids ads , or any of them anent the taking of unlawfull and exhorbitant pro- flte, for fummes of money, by writte or eath of partie , receayer of the faid unlawfull proflte , and be the witnefles infert in the faid fecuritie , made for the faids fummes , without receaving of the eath of the partie, I giver of the faids unlawfull profites, for efchewing of all occafion of perjune, whilk might be fufpefted to proceed there-upon. 8. Anent dijfolution of the Coal-heughs of the proper tie, and lands where demolifed frengths and Cafe Is were builded of auld. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, underftanding diat the ground & bpundes where diverfe Cartels, Strengths and Forths perteining to his Majefties moft noble Progenitors y were of auld fituat , is now altogether moft deforme and unprofitable to his Majeftie , the faids Cartels and Forths being fa demolished, that there remaines no kynde of building therein, either for ftrength or dwelling to his Majeftie. Aslyke- wyfe, that his Heighnes Coal-heughes within the boundes of his annexed propertie , being unhabile to be wrought, without advancement of great expenfes, are fa neglected that his Majeftie neither receavis furni- ture of coales to his Heighnes houfe thereby, nor any other proflte or commoditie of the famine. For remeed whereof, OUR faid SOVERAINE L O R D , with advyfe and confent of his Eftaites of Par- liament , ftatutes and ordaines that it fhall be lefome to his Heighnes , to fett all and fundrie the lands and bounds with the pertinents , where-upon any of the faids auld demolifhed and unhabitable Caftels and Forths were fituated ; together with the Medowes and Lochcs beianging thereto , and Coal-heughs being within the boundes of his annexed propertie , in few-ferme herjtablie. So that it be not in dimunition of his Heighnes Rentall, Greflum or others dueties , but in augmentation thereof. And to that effect, with confent fore- faid, makes prefent difibludon thereof. Ana that the lands , Medowes, Loches, Coal-heughes, and otliersfet by his Majeftie, by vertue of this Act in maner forefaid, fliall ftand perpetuallie , and after his deceafe , the annexations made before to returne againe to the awne nature. Sa that his Succefiburs, after his deceafe, fhall have na farther power to annalie nor wodfet in few any o" the faids lands, boundes, Loches, Medowes , Coal-heughes , and others forefaids , nor they had be. ore the making of this prefent diflblution. And his Heighnes and Eftaites of Parliament , declares that the forefaid dillblution mall nowyfe hurt nor prejudge Alexander Lord Levingfton his rights , whilks he hath to the Coall oiBonitoun befide Lithgow, and to his right that he hath to the Caftel oiBlacknes , with the greines and pertinents beianging thereto. O i_Ac~l anent cunyie and Bullion. UR SOVERAIGNE LORD, and Eftaites of Parliament, having at length reafoned anent the ftate of the Cunyie , as die famine is prefently current within this Realpie declares., that in this prefent Parliament , they will on no wyfe alter the fynnes nor pryces of the Cunyie J. either of gould or filver ; but that the famine have free paflage and courfe hereafter as it prefently gives. And becaufe his Majeftie and Eftaites underftands that there is great fcairfitie of Cunyie for the ty me within this Realme. 1 herefore , lies given power and commiffion to the Lords of his Heighnes fecret Counfell , for ordour taking anent the hame- bringing of Bulyeon for furnifliingpf the Cunye-houfe, and difcharging the tranfporting and away taking of gould, filver and other forbidden geare, under the paine ofpuniihingoftheir bodies and goods, according to the difcretion of the faids Commiffioners. Whereby the Countrie may be furnifhed with aboundance of E e e 3 Cunyie