Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/427

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XX. PARLIAMENT. XXIV. of Jnne. 1609. 405- Patronage of the faids benefices , and to life and exerce the famin by "due and tymous prefentation of habile and qualified perfons to the faids benefices whereof they are patrons , whenfoever they iliali vaik by demiffio'ri or deceafc of the prefent titulars and na otherwyfe. i 5'. ^Ac~i anent the Egiptia-:s. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, and Eftaites of Parliament, Ratifies, approves and perpetual- lie confirmes die Aft of Secreet Councell made in the Moneth of June or therby, 1603. years , and Pro- clamation following there-upon. Commanding the vagabounds, fomers and common thiefes commonlie cal- led Egiptians , to pafle forth of this Kingdome , and remaine perpetuallie forth thereof, and never to returne within the famin , under the paine of death , and that the famin have force and execution alter the firft day of Auguft next to come. After the whilk tyme if any of the faids vagabounds,called Egiptians, als well wemen as men, mall be found within this Kingdome or any part thereof; It fliall be lefome to ail his Majefties goods fub- jefts, or any ane of them, to caufe take , apprehend , imprifon and execute to death the faids Egiptians , either men or wemen, as common, notorious & condemned theifes , by ane affife onely to be tryed , that they are cal- led , knawn, reput and halden Egiptians. In the whilk caufe , whafoever of the aflyfe happins to clenge any of the forefaids perfons Egiptians pannelled , as faid is , fhall be perfewed, handled and cenfured as committers of wiifull error. And whafoever mail at any tyme thereafter refet , receave , fupplie or intertein any of the faids Egiptians either men or wemen ihall tyne their efcheat, & be warded at the judges will. And that the Schirefs and Magifttats in whais bounds they ihall publictlie and avowedlie refort and remaine, be called before die Lords of his Heighnes Secreet Councell , and feverety cenfured and punilhed for their negligence in execution of this Act. Discharging all letters, p rotectionsandwarrants whatfomever purchased by the faids Egiptians or any of them from his Majeftie or Lords of Secreet Councell , for their remaining within this Realme as fur- reptiouflie and deceatfullie obteined by their knawledge. Annulling alfo all warrants purchafed or hereafter to be purchafed by any fubject of whatfomever ranke within this Kingdome for their refet , interteining or doing any manner of favour to the faids Egiptians at any tyme after the faid firft day of Auguft next to come for now and ever. 1 4. Ratification given be the King to the Secreet Councell to receave Refignations. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, and Eftaites of this prefent Parliament , Ratifies and approves the commuTion given by his Majeftie upon the fourth day of Apryle, 1603. yeares , to the Lords of his Majefties Secreet Councell, to receave refignations oi lands halden of his Majeftie, and give infeftments there- upon. And decernes and ordeins all and whatfomever Refignations made fen the date of the faid commidion conforme thereto in the hands of the Lords of his Heighnes privie Councell , and all infeftments proceeding there-upon , orderlie paft his Heighnes Cafchet , Regiiler and ordinare feales, together with all confirmations raunted by hisMajefties ordinar officers of InfeFtments of any lands perteining to his Majefties faithfull fub- jects ; whilks confirmations are lykwyfe orderlie paft his Majefties Cafchet and remanent feales and ordinare ■egiiters ; together with all and fundrie infeftments and confirmations to be hereafter paft and exped upon the yke refignations in the hands of the Lords of his Majefties Secreet Councell , and orderlie exped throw his Majefties feales and regifters, to have bene and to be now and in all tyme comming, alslawfull, valeidand ufficient in Judgment and out-with,as if the faids refignations had bene made in his Heighnes awne hands, and lad bene receaved by his Heighnes , and as if the fignatours of the infeftments following there-upon , and of he faids confirmations had bene figned and fubfery ved with his awne Royall hand. t 5T- Aft ordeining Letters ef Horning to be dire 51 upoil Admirals decreits. FORSAMEIKLE As be Aft of Parliament made at Terth in the Moneth of Julie 1 606. It was then ftatute and ordeined in all tyme comming , that all decreits given be Schirefs , Commiftares, Baillies of r (legalities , Baillies of Bailleries and Stewartries , ihould pafle and have execution of horning upon ten dayes

jvarning, as at rnair length is conteined in the faid aft , wherein there was the tyme of the paffing thereof omit-

ted and note xprefledtiierein; the decreits to be given by the great Admirall of this Realme and his deputes, pilks being a Soveraigne Judicatorie in it felfe, and of its awn nature importing fummare execution. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, and Eftaites prefentlie conveened > in confideration that the infufficiencie,

corruption and defefts whilk wer in the deputs and members of thefe Courts in former tymes i and whereby

pefe Judicatories were thought not worthie of that favour, is now helped and well amended by the planting of I labile , worthie and fuflicient men in their places, hes inafted, ftatute and ordeirted, that fik-lyke execution of lorning pafle upon all decreits to be given before the faid great Admirall and his deputes in tyme comming , as ?pon any the faids Schirefs, Commiffars, or other interior Judges decreits, conforme to the faid Aft of Parlia- nent made therc-anent of before. % Collecled, vifi ed and ' extraBed forth of 'the Buikes and 'Kegifer of 'the AfiesofParliament , Berne Sir JOHN SKE NE of Curre-hil Knight. Clerk of his CMajefties Councell , Kegifer and Rolles , under myfigne andfukfeription manuall. JOANNES SKENE FINIS. Clerk Regifter. Kkk ANE