Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/443

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XXII. T ARLIAMENT. XXVIII. of June, i6i 7 . +U OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD with the expreffe confent and affent of the Eftates in that cafe , Findes and declares , that no perfon in whofe favours the teinds of Kirks and Benefices are erected , nor no other whatfomever bruiking teinds, by vertue of Rights lawfully made to them of the fame, according to the Lawes of this Realme then Handing , fhall be ever farther altered or quarrelled in any cf their faids Rights, in any time to come , farther then fhall be appointed by the faid decreet and fenrence to "follow upon this pre- fent Commiffion ; but the faids rights and fecurities in-cafe forefaid , fhall remain in the awne ftrength , force and effect, as good, lawful, and fufficient rights and fecurities to them and every ane cf them for their awne parts, for bruiking and injoying the faids teinds, conforme to the tennour of the faids rights, for now and ever. ACT IV. Ane nt the fet ting of Tacks by Trelats, and other beneficed perfons. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD with advice and confent of the Eftates of Parliament, Statutes andOrdeins, That no Archbifhop , Bilhop, or other Prelat within this Realm , fhall hereafter fet in Itackandaflcdation any part of their Patrimonie , for longer fpace then nineteen years. And that no infe- I riour beneficed perfon , mall fet in tack any part of their Benefices , for longer fpace then their own life-times, and five yeares after their deceafe, under the pain of deprivation of the perfons contraveiners from their offices and benefices , and to be repute from that time forth , infamous and incapable of any publick function in the Kirk. And fof the better difcovering of the tacks that fhall be fet by inferiour beneficed perfons , lor longer fpace then is above-written. IT IS Ordeined, that all the tacks that fhall hereafter be fet by any of them, for longer fpace then is 'before mentioned, fhall be Regiftrat inane Book, which the Clerk of Regifter fhall keep for chat cfTecl, J within the fpace of fourtie dayes after the fetting of the fame tack, otherwife the faid tack fo fet for longer Ifpace , fhall be null and of no effecl to the tackfmen thereof, by way of exception or reply, without any other aclion.proceffe, or declarator of Law. IT IS alwayes declared , that this Statute fhall no wayes be extended to any tacks or fub-tacks , or con- ditions for fetting of tacks or fub-tacks for longer fpace nor is above- written , Whereas the fame depends and are made or appointed to be made, conforme to the Commiffion granted by OUR Soveraigne LORD, iwith advice of the Eftates of Parliament for plantation of Kirks, in manner as is fpecially fet down in the laid Commiffion. A C T V. ^Addition to the Ktl anent dilapidation of Benefices. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD with advice and confent of the Eftates of Parliament, Ratffies and approves the Act ofhisHighnes Parliament halden at Terth the ninth day of July, the year of

God 1606. i^Anent the dilapidation oft he refits ofPrelacies , With this addition , Whereby his High-

lies and Eftates forefaids , Findes, decernes and declares all tacks orafledationstobemadeofany Quotes 1 bf Teftaments , or any other cafualtie perteining to the faids Prelats in time comming , to be null , and of no livail, force, nor effecl:, and that it fhall not be lawful to any Prelate within this Kingdome hereafter todif- sione', alienate or fet any of his cafualties, in whole or part, longer nor during his awne life-time allanerly, I )xt prejudice of the tacks , if any be fet before this Aft , as accords of die Law, to the whilks thir prefents fhall [jo wayes be extended. ACT VI. Anent furnijhing of neceffars for minifiraUon of the Sacraments. DUR SOVERAIGNE LORD with advice and confent of the Eftates of Parliament, Ordeines that all the Paroch Kirks within this Kingdom be provided of Bafins and Lavoirs for the minifiration of he Sacrament of Baptifme; and of Cups, Tables, and Table-Cloathes , for the miniftration of the holy Communion ; which fhall be received to that ufe by the Minifler of the Parochin , in fik convenient place as e fhall finde meet, for which he and his heires and executors mall be anfwerable to the Parochin, in-cafe he fame be loft , or otherwayes ufed to any profane ufe. And ordeins the expences thereof, to be made by heParochiners, and the Minifters of every Kirk to do their diligence for providing the fame, by caufing he Parochiners ftent and taxe themfelves to the effecl: forefaid , betwixt and the firft of Februar next , under he pain of loftng ane years ftipend. And for putting the faid Act in execution , Ordeins the Lords of his Vtajefties Councel and Seffion , to give forth their Letters for charging the Parochiners to conveene and taxe hemfelves to the faid eftecl, and make payment of the money wherein they fhall be ftented, as the ame fhall be required. M m ra ACT