439 THE ACT t^Anent the Set ling of ^Meafures and Weights, concluded at Edinburgh, the 19. day of Fe- bruar , 1 6 1 8. yeares. By the Commiffioners having power to doe the fame by yic~t of Parliament made the twentie eight day of June, 161 7. fci|"diii lll^^^WTiSl^^l' u ' !1M,^ '" l ^ l ' , " * TWI IITTL ORSOMUCH as in OUR SOVERAIGNE LORDS kite Par- liament holdenat Edinburgh, the xxviij day of Junelaft by paft , hisHighnes and Eftates conveened therein , Mooved by the general complaint of all his loving Subjects : and in refpect of their fenfible prejudice feene and felt through many parts I of this Kingdome by reafon of the diverfitie of Meafures and Weights ufed with- ! in the fame. Therefore OUR faid SOVERAIGNE LORD, with advife of his faids Eftates ; For removing of all abufes which may enfue in any time to come, thereby hath found expedient and by Decreet and Statute of the faid Parliament ; Decerned , Statute , and Ordeined , That there mall bee but one juft Meafure and Weight , through all the partes of this Kingdome ; which fhall Univerfallie ferve all his Highncs Lieges, by the which they fhall buy, fell, receave, and give out, in all t) me to come. Which Meafure his Ma- jeftie with advife forefaid, Fand; mould be that Meafure of Linlithgo, which is now commonlie ufed and which hath been ufed moft cuftomablie through the greateft part of this Kingdome thefe flftieor threefcore yeares bypaft. And for fetling of a perfyte order whereby all the Meafures that are now ufed may be reduced to the conformitie of the faid Meafure now authorized , and for making of proportion anfwerable betwixt the j Leffer Meafures and Weights , and the Greateft. His MAJESTIE with advife forefaid , granted full power and Commiffion , to Sir James TVeemes of Bogie Knight , Sir George Auchinlek of Balmanno Knight , Sir James Fowles oitolingtoun Knight , Sir Robert
- Stewart oiShillinglaw Knight , Sir Johne TVaws of Barubarro Knight , Sir William Greirfon of Lag Knight,
I And to James Nifbet Baillie and Burges of Edinburgh , Mafter ^Alexander Wedderburne Clerk of T)ondie,
Sir Thomas Menzeis Proveft of Aberdene , James Hamilton Proveft of Glafgow , John Qisburne Burges of
I Aire , and Sir George Bruce oiCamok Knight, Burges oitulros : Whom or any eight of them , His Majeftie n with ac'.vice forefaid , Ordained to meet and conveine together , at fuch tyme and place as they fliould think 1 expedient. And to confult and advife together , and to aDpointand determine upon the moft convenient 1 meanes how the faids Meafures and Weights might be reduced to the conformitie forefaid. As in the faid lake Act of Parliament at more length is contained. Which whole Commiffioners forefaids , having mett and ccnvccned within the Burgh of Edinburgh upon t the twentie ane day of Januar laftby-paft, and the moft part of them upon divers and fundrie others dayes « there a r rer in the faid Moneth of Januar and Februar inftant. And having read and confidered the forefaid H Act of Parliament , anent the faids Meafures and Weights , and finding that It is Ordained that there fhall be pnlie Anejuft Meafure and Weight , through all the parts of this Realme which fhall univerfallie ferve all his ijMajefties Lieges (by die which and no other) they fhall buy and fell , in all tyme comming. And that it I jis declared by the faid Act that the forefaid Meafure and Firlot olLinhthgou , which is now commonlie ufed I ;and which hath bene moft cuftomablie ufed through the greateft part of this Kingdome thefe flftie or three - ■fcore yeares bygone,fhall be the forefaid juft Meafure & Firlot which fhall be receaved and ufed by all his Ma- Ijjefties Lieges in all tyme comming. And that Commiffion is given be vertue of the faid Act to the faids Com- I iniiflioners for fetling of a perfect order , whereby all the faids Meafures that are now ufed , may be reduced to ft ;die conformitie of the faid Meafure oiLinlithgou. And for making of a proportion betwixt the leffer Meafures I and Weights and the greateft. Have firfl thought it meet and expedient that the Proveft and Baillies of Lin- t iithgou who are keepers of the faid Meafure fliould produce before them the faid Meafure which hath been gi- ven out be them to the Burrowes & all others his Majefties Lieges thefe flftie or threefcore yeares bygone, with their Jedges and warrands which they have for the fame. Who being cited for that effect, Produced before the
- laids Commiffioners their faid Meafure & Firlot with the Jedge which is their warrand thereof. And the fame
i Meafure and Firlot being found arable with the faid Jedge,the faids Commiffioners caufed prcfentlie fill the
iame with watter, whiclibeing full , they fand that the fame contained Twentie ane Pintes & ane Mutchkin of
V&Sterline Jug and Meafure, and that the forefaid Jug containes within the fame Three pounds, andfeaven >unces of French Troys Weight, of clear running watter of the watter oiLeith. And becaufe the faids Com- 1 niflioners could find out no other meane whereby they might trye the warrand of the Quantitie of the faid 1 Meafure and Firlot olljnlithgou, which hath been in ufe thefe fiftie or threefcore yeares bygone , But be iking of the Oaths of the faids Proveft and fJaillies thereanent i They tooke the Oath of lylndro CMilne Ooo x Proveft