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FOVRTH PARLIAMENT. IV. of November. 1443

reiſe, forſalt, or thieft, happenis: and there to call the Schireffe of the Schirequhair the thing beis done before him , and or the King depart out of that Schire , to ſet remeid of ſik harmes done, or gif onie ſik ſall happen to be done, quhidder the default be in the Officiares , or in the doers, to be puniſhed be the King. The quhilk concluſion and ordinance, all the Barronnes of commoun aſſent and conſent are obliſhed till aſſiſt, baith with dieir power in bodies and gudes, als oft as ſall be ſeene ſpeedeful, be adviſe of the Councel, for the gude and availe of the Realme , and the commoun profite.






Halden at Striviling, the fourth date of November , the zeir of God, one thouſand foure hundreth , fourtie three zeirs.

7. Anent troublers of Halie Kirk: and curſed perſones.

THE Kinge and the three Eſtaites hes ſtatute and ordained, that the ſtatute of halie Kirk, that is oppreſſed and hurte, bekeiped, belawe of halie Kirke, and actes and ſtatutes made of before time in Generall Councell and Parliament. And that general proceſſe be maid in forme, and general curſing againſt all the breakers of the ſaid freedome, and als againſt particular or ſingular perſones be cenſure of halie Kirk. And that ilk place aſſiſt till uthers proceſſes. And that na perſones, the quhilksar notour ſpiulzieours , diſtroublers, or invaſours of halie Kirk, nor nane againſt quhome the Proces beis led of curſing: be received in die Kingis Caſtelle or Palace, or in his preſence , nor admitted to Councell nor Parliament, heard nor anſwered in the law of judgement of fee and heritage, or uther cauſes , bot ever eſchewed as curſed, unto die time the ſaid perfones cum to amendis, and aſſyith the partie, & obteine abſolution in forme of law. FINIS.


Halden at Edinburgh, the zeir of God , ane thouſand, foure hundreth, fourtie nine zeires: And of his Reigne the threttenth zeire.

8 . The punition of the ſlauchter of Salmond.

ITEM, It is ordained, that quha ſa beis convict of ſlauchter of Salmond in time forbidden be the law, ſall pay fourtie ſhillinges, but remiſſion the firſt time. And the ſeconde time foure poundes. And at the thrid time he ſall tine his office for ever. And alſwa he that garris ſlaie or mainteinis the flayer, or is airt or pairt of the deede doing, ſall be demained, as the principall doers. And gif onie man be infeſt of freedome to fiſh in forbidden time, ſik freedome ſall ceaſe for ſeven zeires to cum. And gif onie dois in the contrarie, he ſall paie an un-law before the Juſtice, upon the quhilk treſpaſſe, the Juſtice Clerke ſall inquire at the receiving of the indictments as of uther poyntes belang and his office.

9. The