Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/482

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46o KING JAMES THE SEXT, HEREFORE, Our faid Soveraigne LORD, wirh advice and confent of the whole Eftates of this prefent Parliament, by the tennour hereof, declares , That the Minifters and Readers ought , andfliould pay no Teynd for their fummes Grafs , defigned unto them in place of their Gleybes, where no arrable landes are adjacent to Kukes. And decernes and declares them to be free of their Teynds , and difcharges them [Simplicitcr~ of all payment thereof, in all time comming. ACT XI. Ratification and addition , to the AUt ofTarliament made anent Rejiitution of Chaptoiirs. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, and EST AT E S of this prefent Parliament, ratifies, and ap- proves the Ac! of Parliament made in the moneth of Junij , in the yeare of G O D one thoufande , fixe hundreth , feaventeen yeares , anent reftitution of Chaptours of Cathedral Kirkes , in all the Heads ,Claufes, Exceptions, Limitations, and restrictions thereof. And further, Ordaines, and declares, That all Deeds done fmce the date of the faid Act , or to be done hereafter , whereby any member of any Cathedral Kirke , being an Office or dignitie , hath been or fliall be fuppreft, or any Land Parfonage, Vicarage, or other Living , belonging to the faid dignitie diflblved from the fame , without ane expreile warrand from his Majeftie , and confent of Par) iament, are, and fliall bee , with all that have followed , or lhall follow thereupon, Null, and of no force , nor effect : and fliall be fo founde in all time heareafter , by way of Action , exception , or replye. Providing alwayes the Marquefie ofH AMILTON His right to the Parfonage o£ Hamilton and 'Dalferjfe : the Eaile of CMAR R E His right to the Parfonage of Qarnwath : and any other Parfon having lawful rights conforme to the Lawes of the countrey , before the Act of Parliament , in Anno one thoufand , fixe hundreth , and feaventeene yeares , be no vvayes hurt , or prejudged herein. ACT. XII. xyinent Tacking, and Telling. FOR AS MUCH As by divers Actes of Parliament it is ftatuted and ordained, That no perfon ufe Packing nor Peyling of Wool, Hydes, norSkinnes, lofle nor layd out- with Free Burrowes , and Priviledges of the fame : Nctwithftanding whereof, divers ftrangers , and other Inhabitantes , within this Realme, doe continualy refort to the YIes , and other places thereabout, with their Shippes , Barkes, and Crears, and other Veflels : and doe not only packe and peyle Skinnes and Hydes ; but alfo do tranfport from thence Butter, Tallone, and other forbidden Goods , to the great contempt of the faids Lawes , and manifeft defraud of Our Soveraigne Lord his cuftomes. For remeed whereof , OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, With advice and confent of the E- S T A T E S of this prefent Parliament , ftatutes , and ordaines , that no ftrangers , nor Inhabitants within this Realme , take upon hand to packe or peyle any Hydes or Skins in the faids places of the Yles , out-with the Free-Burrowes : nor that they tranfport , take away , or carrie forth oi this Cuntrey , any Butter , T alone, or other forbidden Goods , under the paine of tinfel and conflfcation of the Hydes and Skinnes fo packed and peyled by them : and of tinfel and conflfcation of the fhippe and whole goods that the owner of the faids for- bidden goods hath within the fame. AND ORDAINES The Shireffes of the Shires and their Deputies and Over-Lordes of the Landes where the faids Skinnes and Hydes are packed , and peyled , or from whence the faids forbidden goods are tranfported , To put this prefenr Act to execution , as they will anfwere to his Majeftie, upon their Office and Obedience. ACT. XIII. x^Auent the difcharging of protections. OUR SOVERAIGNE 'LORD, andESTATES of Parliament, Undemanding that there may fundrie protections bee fought by Banckruptes and others , who are addebted in great fummes of money : whereby the execution due unto the Creditor , by the Lawes of the countrey , againft the Debtor , maybefruftrate, To the great Dammage of the Creditour. FOR REMEEDE Whereof, IT IS Statuted , and Ordained , That hereafter the Lords of Seffion fliall grant no protection- from any Execution due and competent againft any man of the Law. AND Declares , That if any fliall be hereafter granted, the granter of the fame fhall be fubject and lyable of the Law to the Creditor for the fumme , from the which] he hath granted protection. t ACT