Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/489

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XXIII. T ARL1A MENT. IV. tfisfuguft, i6zi. 4 6 7 And of other lands of greater availe , . . . . . . v . pounds. Ane Brieve > . ... > . . . . v. killings. Ane Attornie, . . . . . ij killings. The regiftring of a Retour to a common man , . . . xiij. fhillings, iv. pennies. To a Barron, , xxvj. ihilliwgs, viij. pennies. To a Lord of Parliament, . . xl. fhillings. Precepts upon the Retour for lands, under a Ten pound land, . . xl. fliillings. And if the lands bee above a Ten pound , to pay accordingly : providing that the higheft price ex- ceed not . . . . . iiij.pounds. The fecond and third Precepts , , . . . . xx. fhillings. The fourth Precept , conforme to the firft Precept. Summonds of Errour , paft the Quarter-Seale, . . . iv. pounds. Andin-cafeitcontainemanyremiffions, not to exceed, . . ; vj. pounds. Tryces fit down to the [fritters to the Signet, to bee taken hereafter, of all Letters, Summonds , and Writtes, which pajfe their handes: Excepting alwayes Signatures , thepryces whereof are already fit down. ADvocatiohs , and Sufpenfions , . . xiij. fhillings, iv. pennies- For the flrft Iheete : and for everie fheete moe, which it containeth, befides the firft meet , x. millings. All common Letters , . . . . . x. fhillings. Contraftes, for the firft fheet, . . . . xxx. fhillings. And for every flieet moe, which it containeth , . . . xx. fliillings. Summonds, of afheet of paper, , xiij. fhillings, iv. pennies. And for everie fheet moe, which it containeth, . . ." x. fhillings. Trycesfit down to the ordinarie Clerkes of the Seffion, to be taken hereafter of all fitch Letters, lyfttes, and Writtes, as pajfe that Office. TH E Regiftring of an Obligation , . » . xiij. fhillings, iv. pennies. The Extract thereof , . ... xiij. fhillings, iv. pennies. Act, and Letters, ..... xx. fhillings. An Aft of "Litis Conteftation , infummare and common caufes, for everie fheet of the Acl , and of the Decreet, .... . xx. fhillings. And in matters of contentious Difputation , heard in prefence of the faids Lordes , The pryce of the AcT: tfLitis Contefiation , to be at the difcretion of the partie. Common and ordinarie Extracts, for every fheet extracted, . . xiij. fhillings, iv.d. The regiftration to pay as much. 'Pryce s fit down to the Clerke of the Billet, before the Seffion, to be taken hereafter of all Bilks and At~is proper to that Office. BILLES, .... . . iv.pennies. Actes of Caution , with the reliefe , . xx. millings. Commiflions , . . . xiij. fliillings, iv. pennies. Difpenfations in favours of a partie , . . . . iv. pennies. And for a Sherrifdome , Stewardrie , or Burgh , . vj . fhillings, viij. d. A&es of Law-burrow es, For everie perfon contained in the Aft. . Vj. fhillings, viij. pennies. Advocations, . . .. . . ■. . xx. fliillings. Relaxations (perfi) . . . . Vj. fhillings, viij. pennies. And for everie perfon contained therein accordingly. Tryces fit down to the Clerke of Trivie Council , to be taken hereafter of allfuch Letters and Writtes as pajfe that Office. RTTERS of Complaint, containing a flieet of Paper, . . xx. fhillings. And for everie fheet attour the firft iheet, ... x. fhillings. Letters L