Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/516

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49 2- f ti E FIRST PARLIAMENT ACT y i Kgainjl the Inverting of Twits Donations. DUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, With the Advice of the Eftates , underftanding that certaine p J Tons pioufly difpofed , have of late bellowed certaine gifts in Lands , Heritages , and fummes of money, in favours of Colledges, Schooles, Hofpitals, and other pious ufes , which by the Adminiftratours, and fuch others as they have entrufted with the managing thereof; are inverted to other ufes then the Will of the difponer, upon fome fpecious pretences , conirarie Or different from the Difponers intention , to the evill example of others , and the hiriderance of fuch arid the like charitable works , againft all reafon and confcience. THEREFORE It is ftatute and ordained , thai it fhall rio-waies be lawful to alter j change or invert any of the faids gifts, legacies,, arid other pious donations, to any other ufe then that fpecifikufe whereunto they are defoliate by the difponer hirrifelfe. And that the Heires , Executors , or others entrufted with the "faids gifts and legacies fhall be comptable for the fame, to the life of the Kirkes, Colledges, and others to whom the faids difpofitions were made: And that aftions mail be competent either to the faids Kirkes Colledges, and others, to whom the fame were difponed, or to the Bifhops and ordinaries within the Did- ceffes where the faids Kirkes, Schooles, and others above-fpecified lye , for compelling them to apply the fame to the true ufe, Andtorriakecomptand payment of the ordinarie profits of everie years intromiffion at the rate allowed by the Lawes of the Realrne , by and attour the fulfilling of the Difponers Will. And this Aft to be extended to all Difpofitions made at any time fince the majoritie of King J A M E S the Sixdi , of to be made hereafter in all time comming , And that letters of Horning be direft at their inftanee , by deliver- ance of the Lords of Seflion without citation of parties. ACT VII. Anent Invading of Minifters. OUR SOVERAIGNE LChRD, with the advice of theEftates ratifies and approves the A ft of Parliament made in the year of God one thoufand, five hundred, fourefcore and feaven yeares, anent the Invaders of Minifters , with this explanation and addition , That whofoever invades any Minifter , or puts any violent hands on him, by themfelves , their men, tenants; fervants, or any others by theit hounding out , direftion or allouarice , for whatfoever caufe or occafion ; whither the fame be for the caufe contained in the faid Aft, or for any Other caufe , othervvife then by order of Law; or doth offer violence to them , fhall incurre the like paine as is contained in the faid Aft , and mall be judged after the forme and manner therein prefcribed. And declares, that die fame fhall be extended to all Arch-bifhops , Bifhops, and Minifters whatfoever, having power by lawful warrant to preach, and adminifter the Sacraments. And bccaufethc malice of fome is fuch , that the invafion and violence forefaid may be committed by lawlefle and Unrefponfal men, the hounders out of whom cannot be gotten detected 5 fo as the benefite of this Aft ', and the indent nitie, of the faid Church-men & their forefaids may be fruftrate. THEREFORE it is ftatute and of daincd That the Land-lords* and Heritors, and chiefe of Clanus , and others in whole bounds the faids offender dwell, or haunt ordinarlie , fhall be holden , upon the complaint of the partie offended to theLords of HiS Majefties Secret Council , to exhibite and produce the faids malefaftors before the faids judges , to be cenfured and punifhed corporally , or otherwife in their eftates, if they be refponfal at the difcretion ofths faids Judges. And if it fhall happen the faids offenders to abfent and remove themfelves out of the bounds oi the faids Heritors and Land-lords, and others on whom they depend , lb that the faids Land-lords, Heri- tors, and others forefaids, may pretend that it is not in their power to exhibite the forefaids delinquents Therefore it is ftatute , that if after the giving in of the faid complaint before the faids Judges , and certiorating of the faids Land-lords , and others forefaid, either by citation , charge, or intimation , or any other Lega. manner of way , if the faids delinquents fhall be found within the bounds of the faids Land-lords , and other; forefaids , haunting publickly and openly by the fpace often dayes; That then and in that cafe the faids Land lords, and others forefaid, fhall be efteemed as connivers with the delinquents, and be obliged under thi like cenfure and punifhment, to exhibite them to the Council.

ACT viii. OfKatiJLcatioh of the Ati ofCommijfion anent the CMinifters Vrovifions* ( UR SOVERAIGNE LORD, With the advice and confent of the Eftates of Parliament ' ratifies and approves the Aft of Commiflion of Surrenders and Teinds , of the date at Holy-rud-houfe th twentiefixthdayof June, theyeareofGod 16x7. years, whereof the Tenor follows. The CommifTioner aftc O J: