Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/607

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Aft 17. King CHARLES the II. i66t. Tows, ilk 'five hundred weight Trumps, ilk five hundred Tobacco, ilk hundred weight Tobacco-pipes, ilk fonrty groce Bulk on. Silver, twelve T)eni er'fine. - ! — two ounces,' - one ounce. ' "- one ounce. j- - ' - one ounce. V. Eals, ilk ten of them Viniger of Wine, ilk two tunns < „ of Bear or Ale, ilk three tunns "Admoll, ilk tWo hundred ells Wainfcot of all forts, ilk thirty of them Wax, ilk lad or fourteen Ship*pounds — Wheat, every four bolls half boll - Whale^fho't, ilktwo barrels ;. — Worftead yarn for Sewing, ilk twenty pound Wool, ilk fix ftone weight Wines, ilk tun — Wine^fellars, ilk twenty of them , . Whingers or Durks, ilk fixty of them W two ounces. two ounces. two ounces. two ounces. -two ounces, four ounces, two ounces. two ounces. two ounces, two ounces, two ounces. two ounces, one ounce. Y Am, r Cable-yarn, ilk eight hundred weight Cotton-yarn , ilk fixty pound weight Irfftayarn , ilk three hundred weight Raw Linning^yarn, Dutch or French, ilk fixty pound Scotssydxn, ilk fifty pound weight Spruce or Mufcoviatyaxn, ilk two hundred weight Woollen or Bay*yarn, lfk hundred weight two ounces. -two ounces. -two ounces. two ounces. two ounces. two ounces. two ounces. XXXVIIL CommiJJlon and lufruBions to the Juftices of 'Peace and Constables. OUr Soveraign Lord, taking to His Royal confederation, how much the appointing of Juftices of Peace and Conftables within all the Shires of this Kingdom, under the Reign of His MajecJ'ies Royal Predeceffors, did contribute to the Peace, Quiet and good Government thereof, and to the fpeedy and impartial execution of Law and Juftice to all perfons fubjetled to their jurifdiclion and power. Therefore, and for the furtherance of thefe ends in the future, His Maiejly, with advice and confent of His Eftates of Parliament, Doth hereby Statute and Ordain, That in all time coming, there fhall be Juftices of His Majefties Peace appointed within each feveral Shire of this Kingdom* to be nominate,! rom time to time, by His Majesty and His Royal Sti cceflors : Which Juftices of Peace are hereby impowered to adminiftratc Juftice, and put His Majesties Laws in execution, according to the particular Interactions atter-mentioned, viz. The Juftices of Peace at their firft fitting, mall take the Oath of Alleagiancc, and Oath ibefid'eli ■admin iftr atione •. which at firft fhall be adminiftrate to them by the Sheriff or his' Depute of ilk refpedlive Shire, or in their abfence , by the Prefident and Conveener for the time. I Followeth the Oath of Alleagiance. For teftif cation of my faithfull Obedience to my moft gracious and redoubted Soveraign, Charles, King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, T)efender of the Faith, &c. Affirm, teftifie arid declare, by this my folemn Oath, that I acknowledge my faid Soveraign, only SupredmGo* vernour of this Kingdom, over all perfons, and inall Caufes, and that no ForraignTrmce, Tower or State, norTerfon Civil or Ecclefiaftick, hath ary Jurisdiction, Tower or Superiority over the fame : And therefore I do utter Ly • renounce and forfake all Forraign JufifdiZfions, Towers and Authorities ; and Jh all at mv outmoft power, defend, affitf and mahtain J7/>Majefiies Jurisdiction forefaid agiinft all deadly and foal I never decline His Majefties Tower war Ju- risdiction, as Jhall anfwer to GOT). Followeth