Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/689

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King CHARLE^fell. 115- at the Bar, that they may inftruft the ground of the Charge: And in cafe it fhall be found by the Lords of the Seffion, at the difcuffing of the fufpenfion, that either the Charge hath been malitioufly given or malitioufly fufpended , Than the Lords modifie a fifth part of the fum charged for , of expenfes of Plea to be payed by the malitious Charger or Sufpendcr. VII. ACT for Naturalization of Strangers. December 8. 1669. OUR SOVEREIGN L O R D, out of his Innate Bounty and Royal Inclination to favour and protect Strangers, and for the encreafe and prcmoving of Trade and Manufactories, being gracioufly E leafed and willing to give encouragement to Strangers to repair to, and dwell andrefide within this King- om ; Hath therefore thought fit , Likeas , his Majefty , with advice and confent of his Eftates of Parliament, doth hereby Statute , Ordain and Declare , That all ftrangers , being of the Proteftant Religion, either fuch who having Eftates fhall think fit to bring the fame to this Kingdom , to dwell and inhabite within the fame ; or who fhall come to fet up new Works and Manufactories therein , and mall repair to , and fettle their abode, dwelling and refidence within this Kingdom ; fhall be , and are hereby Naturalized as native born Subjects of the Kingdom of Scotland , and are to enjoy his Majefties Royal Protection , the benefit of the Law , and all other Priviledges which a Native doth enjoy , als freely in all refpefts, as if they themfelves had been born within the fame; and that they fhall have liberty and freedom of Trade, and freedom to buy andpurchafe Lands , Heretages , and other Goods moveable and immoveable , and to enjoy the fame by fucceffion , pur- chafe or donation , or any other way ; and to difpofe thereof and tranfmit them to their Heirs and Succeflors , who are to fucceed thereunto: And to enjoy all other Liberties , Priviledges and Capacities which do belong to, and are competent , or may and fhall belong to any native Subject born within this Kingdom. And further his Majefty doth Declare, that upon applications to be made unto himbythefe Strangers, He will 'rant unto them the free and publick exercife of their Religion in their own Languages , and the liberty of having Churches within this his Kingdom. It is alwayes hereby provided, that no perfonor perfons fhall liave the benefit of this Aft , untill firft by Petition to the Lords of his Majefties Privy Council , containing an exaft defignation of their names , places of their birth and former refidence , and that they are of the Pro- teftant Religion , it be found by the Council, that they are qualified according to this Act, and ought to liave the benefit thereof. And it is hereby Declared , that thefe prefents , with an Extract of the Act of Coun- cil, in favours of the faids perfons to the effect aforefaid, fhall be unto them a fufficient Naturalization to all ntents and purpofes. Which Extract fhall be given to them freely , without payment of any money or com- iofition ; fave only the Fee of nine pounds Scots money to the Clerks of Council and their Servants. VIII. ACT concerning the Bullion. ^December 8. 1669. /~V UR SOVERAIGN LORD confidering, that by divers former Aft s of Parliament made by the

J Kines Majefty and His Royal Anceftors , and fpecially by the thirty feventh Aft of the firft Seflion of his 

Majefties Pfirft Parliament , it is Statute and Ordained , that all and whatfoever Commodities yearly exported forth of this Kingdom, fhould be lyable to the payment of Bullion twelve denier fine, according to the quantities contained in the Alphabet of Bullion thereto adjoyned, and that for the yearly fupport o.aftock ^Coinage within the Kingdom, and for fupplying of his Majefties Mint being a part of His Prerogative Roval And his Majefty and Eftates of Parliament , being ftill willing to fupportand encourage the fame, ind to provide for all necefTary wayes and remedies forincreafingtheftock of Coinage within the Kingdom, mdefpeciallythofethatmaybeofmoft advantage, and may moft encourage the Manufactories and the na* walarouth and native Commodities of the Kingdom; And finding, that the removing of the Bullion from ihe whole native Commodities and others exported forth of this Kingdom and that the impofing of the fa.d Jullion upon the Commodities imported, or fome confiderable part thereof may very much conmbaK = there o ; And being refolved , that His Majefties Mint mould be hereby encouraged and that no hurt or fafffl Ihouldtheretooccurby thischange. Therefore his Majefty with advice and confent of h«EfcttsrfP«- lament Declares , That all and whatfoever native Commodities of this Kingdom and others that fhall be xpor*^ ome one thoufand fix hundred,* feventy years,fhall be free, and are hereby discharged of the paym nt of aU