Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/73

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FOVRTH PARLIAMENT. XII. of Januar. 1467.

provided in this present Parliament , be our Soveraine Lorde and his three Estaites, that baith the creditour and the debitour, the byer and seller, the borrower and the lender, the Lord and the tennent, Spirituall & Temporal, be observed to the desire of the intentes of them, that were in the time of the making of their con- tracts, and payment to be maid in the samin substance, that was intended the time of the making of the con- tractes, maid before this present Parliament: Swa that quhat variation be maid in the Parliamente of alte- ration of the money for the commoun gud of the Realme the samin substance and value redound to the re- ceiver, like as he suld have had the time of the making of this acte. Therefore our Soveraine Lord, and the three Estaites, statutes and ordainis, that all debtoures, that awe ony debtes of contracts maid of before, pay to their creditoures of the samin summes in substance, as it was intended betwixt them, before the making of this act, in sik like manner as it zeid immediady before this act. And proportionally in poundes, schfllinges, of the reckoning , that it sall be in time cummins, to raise the money, like as it zeid of before. And in like manner all annual-rents, wedsettes, landes set for termes, customes, procuracies, and all uther debtes of contractes maid of before, to be payed in sik like money, as zeid immediady before this act. Item, all con- tracts, byinges and sellinges in time to cum, to be maid of the money after the course as it sall have in time to cum, or els as pleasis the parties. And attour, in all Obligationes maid in times bygane with this clause maid, (of usuall money of Scotland) that it be interpreted and understood to be payed in the value and substance, as the money had course in the time of the making of this acte, and in all manner, forme and effect, as is abone written.

20. That Ferriers make brigges.

ITEM, It is seene expedient be the Lordes,for the utilitie and profite of the Kingis Hienesse and his lieges, quhilk divers times passis over Ferries with their Horse, for the safetie of the samin, that at all passages of Ferries of ilk side of the water, That is to saye, Leith, Kinghome, the Queenis Ferry, on the uther side of the water, the Portincraig and the East ferrie to be maid brigges of buirds , or portes in ferry boates, for the ease of schipping of the said horse. And that the said brigges be maid within twentie dayes nixt following the making of this acte, under the paine of tinsel and confiscation of the boate, and not to use the office for a zeir and a day. And that the Kingis letters be written thereupon.

21. Anent the lawer price of money.

IN Presence of our Soveraine Lord and the three Estaites in plaine Parliament; Ane worshipfull Clerk, Maister Archebald Quhite-law, Deane of Dumbar, Secretar to our Soveraine Lord, in the name & be halfe of the haill Clergie. And in likewise an honourable man, Richard of Kintor, Burgesse of Aberdene, in the name and behalfe of the haill Commissioners of Burrowes, humbly maid request and besoucht our Sove- raine Lord of his Grace, that gif it happenis of case, that his Hienesse in times to cum proclaimis his money to lawer price and les availe, then it is now proclaimed, that therefore subsidies & procuracies, customes and deuties, micht be taken and payed of the money to the availe and price, as diey pay. The quhilk requeist, our Soveraine Lord in presence of his said three Estaites,gratiously and heartelie granted in all thinges foresaid.



Halden at Edinburgh, the twelfth date of Januar, the zeir of God, ane thousand, foure hundreth, sextie seven zeires.

22. The crying up of cert aim money.

ITEM, It is statute and ordained, that fra thyne furth the Scottis groate of the Crowne, that past for twelve pennies of before, sall have in time to-cum course amang our Soveraine Lordis Lieges for fourteene pennies. And the half groat of the samin for seven pennies. Item, the auld English penny sall have course effeirand to the auld English groate: That is to say, for four pennies. Item, in likewise the new English penny of Edwarde till have course effeirand to the new groate of Edwarde for three pennies. Item, that the quhite Scottis penny have haill course in all payment, quhill the nixt Parliament, and then gif it
