Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/749

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King CHARLES the I I. 17$ the perfons thereby priviledged, to wear Velvet , Satins , and ether Silk Stuffs , Sec And Declares , that now and in time coming , it ihall be free to ail and every perfon within this Kingdom , to wear all fuch Silks , vvhytLace, Cloachs and others , in the fame manner, and als freely as be the aforefaid Act , they were al- lowed to be worn by the priviledged perfons therein mentioned : And that plain Satin Ribbons may be worn upon Apparel in the fame manner as faffiitie Ribbons ; Any thing in the faid Aft to the contrair, notvvith- ftanding. Likeas , His Majefty , with advice forefaid , doth hereby Ratine and renew the aforefaid Act , paft in the laft Seffion of Parliament , concerning Apparel , in ail the other heads , claufes and articles thereof; which are not by this Act innovat or difcharged. ACT concerning the Jmpojition on TOBACCO. At E'DINBVRGH, the i. of "December, 1673. ►♦TpHE King's Majefty, confidering the prejudice that doth and may arife to the trade of Tobacco, be and upon occafion of the late Impofition upon the Tobacco , and the gift of the fame given under His Majefties Great Seal, to Sir John Nicolfon of Nicol/on, of the date the fecond of "December , 16 71. Therefore His Majefty, with advice and confent of His Eftates of Parliament, doth difcharge the faid Im- pofition upon the i'obacco. And declares the faid Impofition, and Gift thereof granted to the faid Sit John Jslickolfon to be void and extinct in all intents, as if the faid Impofition and Gift had not been impofedor granted. And His Majefty, with confent forefaid , doth allow the Importing of Tobacco in all time com- ming free and without payment of any other Cuftome and Impofition but the ordinary Cuftorrie : Conform to the book of Rates , And the Excife. It is alwayes Declared and Ordained , that fuch fums of money as have been payed to the faid Sir John , or to any perfon in his name , for and upon the account of the faid Im- pofition, and all Bands granted upon the account forefaid, fhall pertain to His Majefty, and the faid Sir John ftall be accountable for the faids fums , and fhall be oblicged to deliver the faids Bands to the Lords of His Majefties Thefaurie for His Majefties ufe; Excepting alwayes, the Band given for the Tobacco , impor- ted in the Ship called Whereof John "Philips is Mafter , arrived at the Port of in the Weft, which His Majefty doth difcharge , and Ordains, to be given back to thofe who granted the fame : And ficklike , excepting any other Bands granted upon the account of the faid Impofition , where the Tobacco is not vented, as to fuch proportions thereof, as the Merchants fhall declare upon their Oath, are not fold by them , they alwayes paying the ordinary dues , viz, Cuftom conform to the book of Rates, and Excife. And His Majefty , with advice forefaid , doth hereby Declare all Tobacco already Imported, to be free of the faid Impofition , where money hath not been payed, or Bands granted for the fame, and difchargesany arreftments laid thereon upon the account of the faid Impofition. t_A. Trimerofe , Cls. Reg, N r h e