Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/753

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King CHARLES&Ii. 179 partie of Souldiers : Yet it fhall be Lawful to the Receiver Genera! after the elapfing of the terms of pay- ment, to fend parties to quarter upon the deficients, according to their proportions , -viz, four Troupers , or Dragoons, or Sex foot, for each Thoufand pounds Scots, of deficiencie , and fo forth proportionally; Which parties fhall be ordered to quarter upon any deficients within the Shire ; as the Commiffioners or any two ot them , or their Collector lhall direcl: , which order and method is to be obferved in Quartering for the Excife ; And the Receiver General or Tackfmen of the fame , are only to imploy the number o( forces fore- faid in quartering therefor, as for the fupplie. AND It is S T A T U T , and ORDAINED, that in cafe the Collector of any Shire, mall receive in any of the faid fupply, and retain the fame in his hands, not paying it in to the General Receiver, That he lhall be lyable to pay Ten pounds,for each one hundred pounds received by him ; which he fliall not pay to the faid Receiver , within a Moncth afcer his receipt thereof, But prejudice alwaies to the faid Receiver , to ufe quartering and other diligence , againft the faids Collectors , or others lyable in manner forefaid. AND HIS MAJESTY In His Royall goodnes, and care to His People , taking to his Princely confideration , the many troubles , and inconveniences 5 which arife from the tranfient , or free quartering of Souldiers, and from the localities for furnifhing, and carrying Corn, Straw, or Grafs, to the Souldiers Horfes, DOETH with confent of the Eftates of Parliament difcharge and prohibit, all free quartering of the Souldiers, cither tranfient , or local, and all localities for furnifhing and carrying Corn , Straw, Hay, or Grafs, to Souldiers Horfes , and that from, and after the firft day ot" November next in this inltant year , 1 63 1 . the quartering , and localitie alwaies betwixt and the faid firfl day of November being payed or allowed , conform to the faid Act of Convention: And in cafe any Officers or Souldiers fhall exacl any free quarters , or any fuch localitie thereafter , the darnnage being inftrufted before two Commiffioners for the fupplie , or Excife, upon production of a certificat thereof under their hands, the Officer being required be way oflnltrument to give redrefs to the partie, and not doing the fame, mail lofe a Moneths pay to he payed to the partie injured by the Collector of the Cefs or Excife in the Shire, by and attour the faid damage, which lhall be allowed to him by the General Receiver: And this punifhment to to be extended to any quartering fof deficiencie which fhall be ufed , or exacted otherwaies then is prefcribed in manner forefaid. AND It is hereby DECLARED, that no difcharges granted by Tennents to Soul- diers , for provifions , either of Men or Horfes , fliall exoner the Officers or 3'ouldiets , unlefs thefe difcharges be under the hand of the Mafter, or Chamberlain. IT IS ALWAIES hereby fpecially PROVIDED and O R D A I N E D, that the Sheriff principal or his Deput in the refpeclive Shires , with any two or three of the Commiffioners of fupplie or Excife , fliall fet prices on Corn for the ufe of the Troupers, conform to fiars of the year , and prices upon Straw , Hay, and Grafs, according to the Current rates of the Countrie, and take care that the fame be fold at thefe rates , upon prefent payment of money to be made by the Souldiers; to the owners of the faids provifions : And in cafe it fliall happen that any Horfes lhall be imployed, and made ufe of, by Officers, orSouldiers, inTowns, or in the Countrie; for carrying Artilliary , Ammuni- tion, orproyifion, or any other ufe of the Army , It is hereby Ordained , that there]fhail be payed for each day that they travel Three Ihillings Scots , for each two myles to the Man and Horfe , and each day that they doe not travel , Six ihillings Scots to the Man , and as much for the Horfe : the Man being oblidged to provide kimfelfe and the Horfe, which lhall be payed by the Magiftrats of the Burgh , if the Horfes be taken within a Town,or if in the Country ,by theCollector of the fupply in the Shire,who are to|be repayed thereof,or to have the fame allowed to them by the Receiver General. AND HIS MAJf STY &Eftatesof Parliament OR- DAINS the Commiffioners named by the Act of Convention to be Commiffioners for ingathering of this fupply , And appoints the Sherriffs of the refpective Shires , to be Conveeners of the faids Commiffioners : Recommending to the Lords of Privy Council, to appoint Commiffioners in place of any of them already named be the faid Act ot Convention , who are deceafed , upon lifts given in be the remanent Commiffioners, AN D The Eftates of Parliament doe declare, that no perfbn lyable in this fupply, fliall be cxeemedfrom paying his proportion of the fame; And doe befeech his Majefty not to grant any fuch exemptions , in favours ofanyPerfon. AND IT IS HEREBY DECLARED , that no perfon lyable in payment of this fupply lhall beholden to produce their difcharges or receipts of the fame after the Tenth day of June, one thouiand,fix hundreth,nintey and one year. His Majefty with advice and confent forefaid S T A T U T S and ORDAINS, that for the releife of the Heretours and others lyable in this fupply , their Vafials , and Few-^ ars, who pay no part of the Cefs, and alfo their Tennents, Sub-Tennents , and others living upon their Lands fliall be taxed and pay into the faids Heretors yearly, each one of the faids Five years , thefumsof money following , viz. Each Gentleman above the quality of a Tennent, the fum to be appointed by the Heretor, not exceeding fix pounds Scots, forhimfelfe, his Wife, and Children; Each Tennent and other- Inhabitant , above the qualitie of a Tradfman , Cottar , or Servant for themfelves and their Wyves and Chil- dren, any fum not exceeding four pounds Scots: And each Tradfman , Cottar or Servant any fum not ex- reedin^ Twenty {hillings Scot s. And it is ordained that the Heretor fhall have the fame Execution for raiftng the faids funis, as for their Mails and duties. %,' % &QT