Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/755

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King CHARLH^n. 18] none but fubfcribing Witnefles fhall be probative in Executions of Meflengers , of Inhibitions , of Interdicti- ons , Homings , or arreftments ; And that no Execution whatfoever to be given hereafter , fhall be fufRcient to inferr interruption ofprefcription in Real rights, unlets the fame be done, before Witnefles prefent at the doing thereof fubfcribing : And that in all the faids cafes the Witnefles be defigned in the bodie of the Writt Inftrument , or Execution refpective , otherwife the fame (hall be null and void , and make no faith in judge ment, norout-with. VI. ACT AnentReligion and the TEST. Auguft. 31. 168 1. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, With His Eftates of Parliament Confidcring, That albeit by many wholfome Laws made by his Royall Grand-father, and Father, of Glorious memory , and by llumfelf, in this, and His other Parliaments, fince His happy Reftauration , the Proteftant Religion is carefully afTerted , eftablifhed and fecured againft Popery and Phanaticiim : Yet the reftlefs Advarfaries of our Religion , do not ceafe to propogat their errours , and to feduce his Majeftie's Subjects , from their duty to God, and Loyalty to His Vice-gerem , and to overturn the eftablifhed Religion, by introducing their Superftitions , and delufions , into this Church , and Kingdom. And knowing that nothing can more er*- creafe the numbers and confidence of Papifts, and Schifmatical diflenters from the Eftablifhed Church , then the fupine neglect or putting in Execution the good Laws provided againft them, together with their hopes to infinuat themfelves , into Offices , and places of truft , and publick Imploy ment. THERFORE, His Majefty , from His Princely and pious zeal , to maintain and preferve the true Proteftant Religion , con- tained in the Confeffion of Faith , recorded in the firft Parliament of King James the Sixth , which is founded on , and agreeable to the written word of GOD; DOETH, with advice and confent of His Eftates of Parliament, Require and Command , all His Officers, Judges, and Magiftrats, to put the Laws made awainft Popery , and Papifts, Priefts, Jefuits, and all perfons of any other Order in the Popifh Church , efpecially againft fayers and hearers of Mafs; Venders and difperfers of forbidden Books; And Reffctters of Po- pifh Priefts , and excommunicat Papifts : As alfo againft all Phanatick Separatifts from this National Church; Againft Preachers ,at Houfe , or Field Conventicles , and the Refletters and harbourers of Preachers , who are Intercommuned ; Againft diforderly Baptifms , and Marriages , and irregular Ordina- tions, and' all other Schifmatical diforders , To full and vigorous execution, according to the Tenour of the refpective Acts of Parliament thereanent provided. And that His Majeftie's Princely care to have thefe Laws put in Execution , againft thofe enemies of the Proteftant Religion, may the more clearly appear: HE DOETH, with advice and confent forefaid , STATUT and ORDAIN, That the Minifiers of eachParofth, give up in October Yearly , to their refpective Ordinaries , true and exact lifts of all Papifts , and Schifmatical-withdrawers from the publick Wotfhip , in their refpective Parodies ; which Lifts are to be fubferibedbythem, and that the Bifhops give in a double of the faids Lifts Subfcribed by them, to the re- fpective Sheriffs , Stewards, Bailies of Royalty , aud Regality, and Magiftrats of Burghs , To the effect Ithe faids Judges may proceed againft them according to Law : As alfo the Scheriffs , and other Magiftrats [forefaids, are hereby ordained to give an account to His Majeftie's Privy Council in December yearly, of Itheir proceedings againft thofe Papifts , and Phanatical Separatifts , as they will be anfwerable at their high- left peril. And that the diligences done by the Sheriffs , Bailies of Regalities , and other Magiftrats forefaids, Imay be the better enquired into by the Council, the Bifhops of the refpective Diocefies, arto fend exact | doubles of the lifts of the Papifts and Phanaticks , to the Clerks of Privy Council , whereby the diligences of me Sheriffs, and other Judges forefaids , may be controlled and examined. And to cut of all hopes , from Ipapifts, and Phanaticks , of their being imployed in Offices and Places of publick Truft. IT IS HERE- jBY STATUT and ORDAINED, that the following Oath ifiall be taken by all perfons in Offices , I and places of publick Truft, Civil, Ecclefiaftical , and Military, efpecially by all Members of Parliament, Band all Electors of Members of Parliament, all Privy Counfellors, Lords of Seffion , Members of the Ex- chequer , Lords of Jufticiary , and all other Members of thefe Courts ; all Officers of the Grown , and Stare; i all Aich-Bifhops and Bifhops ; and all Preachers and Minifters of the Gofpel whatfoever ; all perfons of this (Kingdom, named or to'be named Commiffioners for the Borders ; all Members of the Commifiion for Church I Affairs ; all Sheriffs , Stewards , Bailies of Royalties and Regalities , Juftices of the peace , Officers of the i Mint , Commiffars and their Deputs , their Cierks and Fifcals , all Advocats and Procurators before any of thefe Courts, alt Writters to the Signet , all Publick Nottars, and other perfons iffl£>loyedin Writting or Agenting; The Lyon King at Arms , Heraulds, Purfevants, and Meflengers at Arms; all Collectours, I Sub-Collectours and Farmourers of His Majeftie's Cuftoms and Excife; all Magiftrats, Deans of Gild, ICounfellers and Clerks of Burghs Royal and Regality ; all Deacons of Trades , and Deacon-Conveeners in the faids Burghs; all Matters and Doctors in Universities, Colledges, or Schools, all Chaiplains in Fa- I milies , Pedagogues to Children ; and all Officers and Souldiers in Armies , Forts , or Militia ; and all other I tierions in publick Truft or Office within this Kingdom , who fhall publickly fwear, and fubferibe the faid v r Z I Oath