Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/759

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King CHARLES^II. 185- perfeft and Lawful right to the faids Tenements , But prejudice alwaies to them to ufe the faids Writs againft the parties makers thereof their Heirs and Succeflburs. AND it is hereby DECLARED, that there fliall be nothing payed to the Town Clerks for regiftration of the faids Seifings, but for any pofteriour ex- tracts , they mall have the halfe of the rates prefcribed by the Aft of Parliament lor extrafts out of the Regi- sters of Seifings in the particular Shires. And for regiftrating in the Town's Books., of Reverfions , Ag- nations thereto , or difcharge thereof, Renounciations , and Grants of Redemption of Wodfets , which were not in ufe to be regiftrat before in the Towns Books, That they mail have the halfe of the rates prefcribed by the Aft of Parliament, for regiftration and extrafting the fame , asfaid is. XII kA C T For encouraging Trade and ManufaBtiries. September 15. 1 6 8 1. OUR SO VER AIGN E LORD,from His Princely care for the Wealth and Flourifhing of this His An- cient Kingdome , Confidering that the Importation of Forraign Commodities ( which arefuperfluous,or may be made within the Kingdom,by encouragement given to the Maufafturies thereof) had exceedingly ex- haufted the money of the Kingdom , and hightned the Exchange to Forraign places , fo that in a inert time the ftock of Money behooved to be exhaufted , and the Trade thereof to fail .• FOR REMEID whereof, His MajeHte's Privy Council after long and ferious Deliberation, and advice of the mod judicious and know- ing Merchants of the Kingdom , D I D by two Afts of Council of the dates , the firft of CMarch , and ele- venth of April laft , and publick Proclamations following thereupon, GIVE encouragement to Manu- fafturies erefted or to be erected in this Kingdom, in manner, and to the effeft underwritten : THERE- FORE His Majefty, with advice and Content of the Eftates of Parliament.ftriftly Prohibits and Difcharges, all Merchants, and other perfons whatfoever, To Import into this Kingdom, any Gold or Silver threed , Gold or Silver Lace, Fringes, or Tracings, all Buttons of Gold or Silver threed, all manner of Stuffs, or I Ribbans in which there is any Gold or Silver threed , all Philagram of Gold or Silver to be worne upon Ap- I parel, and all the Counterfeits of any of ther* , all flower'd , ftrip'd , figur'd , chequer'd , painted , or printed I Silk Sruffs or Ribbans, (no vvayes comprehending changing colloured , or wattered Stuffs or Ribbans), All

i Embroideries of Silk upon wearing Cloathes
WITHCERTIFICATION, That all fuch Goods as

I fliall be imported contrary hereunto in any time coming , or which have been imported contrary tp the faids ■ Proclamations, fliall be burnt and deft royed, and the Importers, or Resetters fined in the value thereof. L I K E A S His Majefty , with advice and confent forefaid , ftriftly prohibits and difcharges the wearing of 1 any of the faids prohibited Goods, and Commodities within this Kingdom, by any of His Majefties Sub- Ijefts, or others dwelling and refiding therein, after the firft of Apri/ncxt, under the pain of five hundred I merks Sc ots money , toties quoties , by and attour the Confifcation of the Cloathes , uponwhich any of the I faids prohibited Goods fhall be found ; Allowing hereby to Officers and Souldiers of the Kings whole Hand- ling Forces, the fpace of two years after the firft of November next, to wear out their Cloathes upon which I there is any Gold or Silver Lace , Threed , or Buttons. L I K E A S His Majefty , with confent forefaid , ■ftriftly prohibits and difcharges all Merchants and other Perfons whatfoever , to import into this Kingdom , Hany forraign Holland- Linnen,Cambrick, Lawn, Dornick, Damesk, Tyking, Bouften , or Damety , Furred or i Stripped Holland, Call igo, Selefia, or Eafl-lndia Linnen, & all other Forraign Cloaths & Stuffs, made of Lin- Hnen or Cottoun, Wool or Lint: (noways comprehending Flannen, Arras hangings, Forreign Carpets,and made

Beds of Silk, Damesk- hangings, Chairs and Stools conform thereto ) all forraign Silk or Woolen Stockings ,all 

IforraignLaces made of Silk,Gimp or Threed,all forraign Laces or point.of any fort or collour,aii forraign made BGloves, Shooes, Boots, or Slippers , all wearing Cloathes made abroad for Men , Women, or Children, B(excepting wearing Cloathes and Linnens brought home by Perfons for their own ufe.who have been Abroad, land ufed by them , and made of fuch Cloathes , Stuffs , and Furniture as are by this Aft allowed to be worrte Iwithin this Kingdom.) WITH CERTIFICATION, that all fuch Goods as fliall be imported con- trary hereto , and contrary to the faids Proclamations , fliall be burnt and deftroyed , and the Importers or I kefletters thereof fyned in the value of the faids Goods. And the Tackfrnen , or Colleftors of the Cuftoms ,

Surveyers , Colleftors , Waiters or their Servants , are hereby ftriftly required, and commanded , to fearch

for, feizeupon, apprehend, burnanddeftroyanyof the faids prohibited Goods that fliall happen to be im- I ported contrary to this Aft ; With certification to them if they failzie , and fuffcr the faids prohibited Goods I to be imported, either by tollerance or connivance, they fliall not only amit and loofe their places, and for ever be incapable to ferve in that or any fuch Publick charge, butalfo fyned in the value of the Goods that through their fault or negleft, fhall happen to be imported; and any Merchant , or other perfon , who fliall inform againft any of the Farmourers, Colleftors, Surveyers, or Waiters, for negleft of their Duty in the Premifs , and prove the fame , fliall have their Fynes for their reward. L I K E A S , His Maiefty RATIFIES, and APPROVES all Afts already made for the encouragement of the Manufafturies jof this Kingdom , and encouragement of Strangers to come thereto , and fet up their feveral Callings therein : A a and