Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/787

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Of the Kingdom of SCOTLAND.

For the Sheriffdom of Striviling.

Alexander Lord Almond, David Lord Cardroſe, Lord Elphingſtoun, James Lord Forreſter, John Buchannan of that Ilk, Murray of Polmais, Sir Alexander Hope, Alexander Monro of Bearcrafts, Charles Ereskine of Alva, Seaton of Touch, Sir Robert Elphineſtoun of Quarrel, Mr. Andro Oſwald of Deders, Sir Mungo Stirling of Glorat.

For the Sheriffdom of Sutherland.

Lord Strannaver, Lord Reay, Lord Duffus, Sir Robert Gordon of Eymbo, Angus Macky of Banskay, Robert Gordon of Rogart, Robert Gray of Skibo, Robert Gordon of Carrel, Patrick Dumbar of Sidderoy, John Gordon of Midgarthie, Gilbert Gray of Over-Skibo, James Sutherland of Shiberskaige, John Gordon in Innernaver.

For the Sheriffdom of Caithneſs.

Sir William Sinclair of Mey, William Sinclair of Ratter, Wiliiam Sinclair of Dumbeath, John Sinclair of Prims, Murray of Penitland, David Murray of Clairden, Robert Monro of Porlonie, Alexander. Sinclair of Telſtaine, David Sinclair of Dune, Mr. James Innes of Sandſaid, James Sinclair of Aſſett, Francis Sinclair of Stic-Caike, Waiter Innes of Ortoun.

For the Sheriffdom of Elgin.

Sir Robert Innes of that Ilk, Robert Cumming of Altyr, James Brodie of that Ilk, Sir Ludovick Gordon of Gordonſtoun, or his Brother Mr. Charles, Sir Robert Dumbar of Grangehil, Sir Robert Innes of Mortoun, ThomakMckeinzie of Pluſcarden, Patrick Dumbar of Bennafferrie, Sir Alexander Innes of Copſtoun, Alexander Dowglas of Spaynie, Walter Kincairn of Coubine, Lieutennant Collonel Patrick Grant, Tutor of Grant, Andro Leſlie of Boigs.

For the Sheriffdom of Orkney and Zetland.

For Orkney, Andro Biſhop of Orkney, Patrick Blair of Little-Blair, Archibald Stewart of Burray, Mr. Patrick Graham of Rotheſholm, William Dowglas of Egilſhaw, James Baiky of Tankernes, Arthur Buchannan of Sound, Commiſſar, John Buchannan of Sandſer, William Young of Caſtleyards, John Elphingltoun of Lopnes, George Balfour of Pharay, David Craigie of Overſanday. For Zetland, Collonel William Sinclair, John Sinclair of Quandail, James Sinclair of Scallaway, Andro Bruce of Munes, Captain Middletoun, William Bruce of Soundburgh, Magnus Moat of Oldberie.

For the Sheriffdom of Clackmannan.

John Earl of Mar, Sir Henry Bruce of Clackmannan, Charles Erskine of Alva David Bruce of Kennet, Mr. William Sharp of Tillibodie, John Keirie of Sherdils, Mr. Thomas Napei Baillie of Alloway, Patrick Burn of Sheridel, Mr. Francis Maſterton of Parkmilne.

AND for the Burghs, the Magiſtrats of the ſame for the time being, with power to them to chooſe Stent-Maſters within their reſpective bounds. Which Commiſſioners are hereby ordained to accept and diſcharge their truſt, as they will be anſwerable. And are at their acceptation thereof to take the Oaths of Allegiance, and for doing their duty faithfully in the matter of this Adminiſtration, and to ſign the Declaration appointed by Act of Parliament to be ſigned by all perſons in Publick Truſt: And which Commiſſioners are hereby impowered to call for, and conſider the Valuations of all Lands, Teinds, and other real Eſtate within their reſpevtive Shires and Burghs; And ſuch as they ſhall find juſt and equal, that they approve thereof, and appoint the ſame to be the rule for levying and raiſing this preſent ſupply. And where Lands, or Teinds, or other real Eſtate, did the time of former Valuations pertain to, and were in the hands of one perſon, and are ſince diſmembred and diſponed to ſeveral perſons in parcels, ſo that the value of each parcel by it ſelf cannot be known by the former Valuations, the Commiſſioners are hereby impowered in this and all other caſes of that nature, or where they ſhall find any juſt cauſe by unequality to value of new again. As alſo, to value the Rents of all Archbiſhopricks, Biſhopricks, and other Benefices, in ſo far as they exceed the ordinary value of modified Stipends. Provided alwayes that notwithſtanding of the Valuation thereof within the Shire where there is any ſuch Lands, Teinds, or other real Rent, the total and proportions above-ſpecified of the ſaid Shires continue without any alteration; And that after the Valuation of the ſaids Benefices, a proportional abatement and eaſfe effeir and to the proportion payable out of the ſaids Benefices be granted to the Heretors and others within the ſaids Shires, lyable in payment of the ſaid ſupply; and thatfrom

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