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That they make Lmnen Cloath of t en /hi Rings per ~E ,ot above, an Eln and two inchesbroad, under the pain of Impiifbnment, and twenty pounds fine, Ibid. c. 43, See it in Linncn. WEIGHTS. See Metts, and Ueafures. That Bread, and all Butcher-FleJh be retailed by weight, and no otherwife, un- der the pain of an hundred pounds totie$quoxies 3 Car, 2. p. 3.C. 24. WIFE. That in Pecunial pains, Wives be weighed and confidered conform to the Blood and State of their Husbands, la. 6. p. 7. c. 104. That Wives be lyable in their Husbands Fines, and that their Husbands pay the fame for them ; This Statute in the cafe of Swearing, Car. 2. par. 1. Sell", i.e. 38. But in the cale of Conventicling,the wife's Fine is but the half of her Husbands , and he is lyable for it. Car. 2- p. 2. Self. 2. c. s- See it in Conventicles, WILDE BEASTS, and FOWL. That no Wilde Fowl be taken from the beginning of Lcntr-m until -Augujt , by no manner of lnftrument, under the pain oi fourty fallings, la. 1. p. 7. c. 109. That Wilde Fowl for mans ufe be referved, but Fowls of Reiff, as Eirns, Gledds, &c. AsalfoB.uiks and Crows be deftroyed, la. 2, p. 1 j.,c- 8 4, That no man flay Dae, Rae, nor Deere in time ol ftorm , or theii Kids while they be an year old, under the pain of ten pounds, la. 3. p. 7. c. 61. And Q. M. P.6.C.58. And the pain augmented to an hundred pounds , Ja. 6. par. 14, cap. 21c. And all former Afts tlieteanent Ratified, lam. 6. par. 23. cap. 32. See Stalkers, and T hie ft. That no man (hoot at Deere, Wilde Beaft, er Wilde Fowl, with any fortof Gun, under the pain of death, and elcheat of moveables, and that their Moveables be given for reward to their Apprehenders, Q.M.p.4 c.9. And p. 6. c. si. Renewed againft fuch as (hoot with Guns, or Bows, at Dae, Rae, Hinde, Hare, Cunning, Dove, Heron, or Fowl of River, undertbe p3in of elcheat of Move- ables, audit the otTenderbe Vagabond, having no Goods, to be punifhed by Im- prilbnmcnt fourty dayes for the firft, and cutting ofihis right hand for the fecond fault, la. 6. p. i.e. 16. Ratified, and that the Iudge Ordinar put the fame to execution , under the pain of an hundred pounds for the firft fault,and to be Mill doubled for each failzie there- after; and that Heretors, when required, prefent the Offender living upon his Ground, underthepain tobeexafted oil him by the ludge Ordinary, la. £. p. 7. c. 123. And both thirAfts Ratified, and ihe Crime ordained to be punifhed as the Crime of Thieft, la. 6, p. J i.e. 59. That who fliyes Harr, or any Wilde Fowl at any time, with Gun or Girn or fhoots at Duck or Drake, or other Wilde Fowl with an Hagbut, incurrs the pain of an hundred pounds, or to be punifhed in theirperfons, la. 6. p. 14. c. 210. See this Aft in Forrefts. And thefe Afts Ratified, with power to Sheriffs, Stewards, Baillies, and Barons, to flay ali lying Dogs ufed by Fowlers, and put the Fowlers in the Stocks for uling them, the fpace of fourty eight hours, lam. 6. par. is. cap. 266. And par. 16. c. 23. And that none fell or buy any Deere, Hares, or Wilde Fowl commonly clnfled byHaulks, underthe pain of an hundred pounds as well the buyer as feller, halt to the King, half tothe Apptehender; and in cafe of inability, the Offender ro,be fcourged; And all Iudgesto Sutgh or Land, and Barons, are hereto made Ju- stices: And thatnonellayoreatMuir-Pours before rhe third of July , nor Fer- tridge-Foutsbeforetheeightof September, but Cunnings, Wood-cock, Ilever, and Wild-Goofe are excepted from this Aft, Hid p. 16 c. 23. That none buy or fell any Wilde Fowl, that is Pouts, Pertridges, Muir Fowl, ElackCocks, Gray Hens, Termigants, Quaillies, Capeicaillies, ire. underthe pain of an hundred pounds to the buyer or feller, la. 6. p. 23. c. 30, See Hunting and Untitling. WINE. That none buy Wines from Flemings of the Dam, under the pain of efcheaf, la. j.p. 14. c. 147. That none bring home corrupt or mixt Wine, andthat none buy or fell it after it is declared to be fuch, and that no perlon mix Wine or Beer, all under the pain of death, la. 3. p. 12. c. 89- That Wines brought in by the Eaft and North Seas be fold , the Rurdeanx Wine forfu>«jr//<oBN^.itheTun, and ten pennies the Pint; the ochel Wine for fixtecn founds the Tun, and eigm pennies the Pint : And the Wines brought in by the Weft Seas, to be fdld the Burdcaux Wine for fixteen pounds the Tun, and ei?»t pennies thePint, and the tochclWme^ttwe/veotthirteenpoundsperTuD, and fixpenniei per Vint: And that no Taverner mix Wines, nor build the fame, but expofe them to (ale for the prices forefatd, underthepain of efcheating of his Wines, and tin- fell of his Freedom, 0_. M. p. $. c. 1 1 . Ratified as to mixing and huirding of Wines, and the Magift rats of Burghs made {unices in that part^ with powettofeaze and hold Courts monethly lor that effeft, a. 6. p 7.C. r26. Tiiat no Wines be brought home without a Certificat of the price thereof, under the TownsSeal where they were bought,&one Certificat be lufhcieiit for the Wines of a Ship, and the price be made of the common prices that Wines give the time of thebuying, Ja 6. p. n.c. 52. That the Duty granted by the Eftates to the King upon the Wines be payed with- in ten dayes after the arriving thereof, and that the Magiftrats of the Burgh take Caution of the Merchant, Mariner, orhome-bringer, for this effeft: And that Letters of Horning on ten dayes be direft againft the faids Magifttats.home-bring- ers, or rheir Cautioners, in the option of the Collector, on this Aft, and that the Perfon Denounced thereupon for difobedience, be not relaxed, untill he pav the double of the Duty, la: 6: p: 14.C: 206. Cuftome of Wines. See Cujioms. WITCH-CRAFT. That no man ufe any manner of Witch-craft, Sorcery, or Necromancy, nor give themfclves out to have fuch Craft, there through abuiing the people ; And thatnomanfeekanyhelporrefponfe, or Confnltation at any fuch ufers, or abu- sers, under the pain of death, to be execute by any Judge Ordinary thereto having power, Q_.M.p. 9.C.73. WITNESSES. That hereafter only fubferibing Witnefles be probative of the Parties Subfcrip- tion,- and that none in this cafe Subfcribe asWitnefs, unlefs he know the Party, and faw him Subfcribe, or heard him give warrand to the Notar., or faw him touch the Pen, or heard him acknowledge his Subfcription the time of the WitnefTes Subfcribine, otherwife rhey (hall be repute and punifhed as acceflory to Forgery. That hereafter none but Subfcribing Witnefles be probative in Inflruments of Seat- ing, orRefi c, nitioii, ad remanent tarn, or of Intimation , or in Meflengers Exe- cutions of Inhibitions, Interdiftions, Horning, or Arrcttmenrs, or in Executions of Summords ufed for Interruption of Irefcriprion lis real Rights ; And that in all the faids Cafes the Witnefles be defigned in the Body of the Writ, lnftrument, or Execution, otherwife the fame tobe null, Car. 2. p. 3. c, $. 4* Lsffis of Tarliament , &c. COMMON WOMEN. That Common Women be put at the outmoft end of Towns, Ja. i.p. 4. e. 74. WOOD.. See Forrefis, Planting, and Thieft. That the unlaw of Green Wood, by felling, or burning, be five pound. And that the old unlaw of Green Wood , as to the deftroycts, ftand otherwife as before, Ja.4.p.6.c 71. That every Lord or Laird, Plant at lead an Aiker of Wood, where there are no great Woods or Forrefts. Ibid.c.ja. ThatthepainofdeftroyingGreen Wood, bycutting, peiling, burning, orfel- A ln ?,'r 0rofncwHa ' nin " s ' be for the firft time ten, for the fecond twenty pounds, And fee the third time Death, la. 5. p. 4. c. it. That thefe Afts be execute, and that the Judges ordinary hold two Courts yearly, itf«f*mdJiim»j, for that effeft, and caufc Conrraveeners find Caution todefift underthe pain of an hundred pounds, asoftas they fhallcontraveen, la. 6 p. 1. cap. 30. That the ttea'ers, peilers, ordeftroyersof Green Wood, orhained Broom, may be purfued before the Barron, Sheriff, orjuftice; and the pains, ten, twenty, and P" r 'y peund, or Prifon, Stocks, or Irons, for eight, fifteen, and thirty dayes, for rhe firft, fecond, and third fault, la. 6. p. 6. c. 84. That wilful Deftroyers, and Cutters of growand Trees, be punifhed to the death as Thieves, la. 6. p. 1 i.e. 82. WOLF. That Barrons hunt and chafe the Woolf, and the Woolfs whelps, fourfiroest year; and as oft as they fee them : Andthat the Tennentsafiift, la. 1. a 7 cap. 105. r ' " That the Sheriff and Bailie hunt the Woolf thrice in the year , betwixt St. -Mar^/ day, and Lambes ; and that the Councrie rife with them for that end , la 2 a, 14. cap. 87. WOOL. That no Wool be tuanfported out of the Kingdom, underthe pain of Confifeati- on thereof , and of the Whole Remanent Goods of the Owners and Tranfporters. And that no Licence be granted contrary to this Aft , but that the Purchaiers and ulers thereof, incurre the fame pains, la.S. p. 7.C. 113. This Prohibition is fubjoyned to the Regulation then made of mens Apparel. That Wool be not tranfported to England , nor fold to any Engli(h-man in Scot- land or England, who tranlports the fame to England, under the pain of Efcheat thereof, and of all the moveables of the iftual Tranfportets. As alfo. of the Cau- fers and Sellers thereof to be tranfported, half to the King, and half to the Appre- hender, and WaituingforfixMoneths, andotherwife atthe King-swill, annul- ling all Licences either granted or to be granted, la. 6. p. 11. c 149. Thefe Afts Ratified, and all Licences in the contrary discharged ; and the Kins promiles, To granrno fuch Licences tor hereafter, Ia.s.p ij.c. 250. That no Native or Stranger export Wool, not Skins with wool upon them, until! made in work, or put to the belt avail . under 1 he pain of rhe ruff value thereof, half to the King , and halt tothe and i tofecutor, and fuch farther punift'ment as thetxehequer fhal appoint. That none tore-ftale the Mercat ofWoo!,nor keep up the fame to a dearth, under the pains sgiinft Regraters and Fore flallers.fTee/Crs- ftatlers ) andthat tor efchewing the deceit of putting fiones or the like fluff there- in. No Wool be wrapt up in the Fleece, under the pain ot Confifcation, half to King, and half tothe difcoverer and purfuer, Declaring alwayes, that theExche- quer may Licence the export ot Wool and. kins. Car. 2. p. i.i'elT. 1. , c.40. WRITERS. See Seffion. That Cleiks of the Signet be fworn to be faithful and leerer. la. 5. p.j. c. eg. Item, what prices they fnould take, ibid.c. fio. And that they mark their Biliswith their names, ibid. c. 61. See the Afts in Seffion. That Wiiters to the Signet Frame no Signature or Letter, to be paS His Maje- fiicshznd. with any Novehy or lnformaliry againft rhe accufiomed Stile, under the pain of Da privation. And that they write their Names on the back of the Sig- nature, as allowed by them, as they will anfwer at their higheft perril, la. «. p. jo. cap. 13. Prices appointed for Writers, Clerks, and Keepers, and their Writs and Seals, la. 6. p. 2 3. c.i 9. See Prices. WRITS. That all Original Writs and Evidents to be made after the firft of Nevemb. 159a. contain the Writers Name and Defignation , fpecially infertin the end beforethe inferting of the Witnefles, otherwife that the fame make no faith, la. 6. p. 13. cap. 175. That all Writs SubfcrrVd hereafter wherein the writer and Witnefles are not de- figned be null,and not Suppliable'by a Condefcendence on the Writer and Witncf- fes theit Defignations , Car. 2. p. 3. c- s-^nno 1681. See it inWitnefes. FALJE WRITS. See Faljhood. Y Y EARD, See Orchard. Y A R E S , Jee Cruves. YOUTH, See Pedagogue. That the Youth going out of the Kingdom , abide conft ant in the true Religion, lam. 6. p. 6. cap 7 1 . See T^eligton. That fuch as fend their .Sons abroad , have a fpecial Care , that their fray may be where the ttue Religion is profefled , fpecially where they want Pedagogues, at leaftwhererhelnquifitionisnot, and in cafe any of thefe Sons haunt the exercife of contrary Religion , rhefe rhat have the Charge of them mav be ftraitned to find Caution, to furnifh them no more money , except their reafonable expences ro bring them home, lam. 6. p. 20. cap. 2. z z ETLAND, See Orkney. FINIS.