Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/856

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I Have rather opened and ſchawen ane occaſion to the gud deader, to perform this warke, then exponed, or declared the ſamin being an matter nocht pleaſand in it ſelf, nor treated be uthers of before: Gif I have preaſed to do weil, or attempted that, quhilk uthers may accompliſh and make perfite, the profite and commodity redounds to thee, quha at thy pleaſure, may big upon this little ground and fundament. Gif utherwaies be errour or ignorance, I have nocht ſatiſfied thy deſire and expectation, Sic erranti medicina confeſſio. For ane abſoulte memorie, and perfite knawledge, in na thing erroneous, is proper to God, and not competent to man. Quhat ever I have done, I did it not to offend thee, or diſpleaſe any man, but to provoke uthers to do better, alwaies for thine awin weil, be warre to reprehend my doings flowand from ane benevolent, and gude mind: except thou be aſſured to be reprehended of na man, quha cumis after thee and ſall cenſure thy doings. I am affrayed of all Readers, for ilk mat hes his awin Judgement and opinion, quhairof their is als mony contrarieties, as diverſities of perſons, Adviſe therefore, and or thou do any thing raſhly, gif thou may, tranſact and agree with all the poſteritie , that albeit thou doe aſwel as Homer in his Poeſie: nane of them be unto thee, ſucceſſor or imitatour of Zoilus: ſo great is the varietie of ingines , and inclinations, that none can be ſure fra reprehenſion. Reade therefore, and make thy profite of gud thinges. Correct modeſtly at errours, quhilks are ignorant, and nocht wilfull. Eik all neceſſaries omitted. Cut away al ſuperfluities adjected. And whatever thou do, eſteeme of me, as I do of thee and of al , to quhais knawledge, this my little labour ſhall happen to cum. And ſwa.

Vive, Vale: ſi quid noviſti rectius iſtis,
Candidus imperii: ſi non, his ittere mecum.