Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/94

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/ 6 KING JAMES THE T H R I <D afte, the quhilk gif they do not , that he fall ceafe the court for that day , and incontinent cum and fchaw to our Soveraine Lord , quhat perfons difobeyis him. And thereafter to call thay perfones , and take knaw- led^e of their difobedience. And quha that beis foundin culpable , fall be punilhed be warding of their per- fones for ane zeir, andalstopaytheexpenfesanddamnage, that the partie fufteinis be deferring of Juftice, throw the faid difobedience. 105". That all affions firfi be perfewed before their Judge Or dinar. ITEM, It is thocht expedient , that all civill aftions , queftions and pleyes , moved betuixt quhatfum- ever parties, be determined and decided before their Jud^e Ordinar, as Juftice, Chalmerlane, Schire£:es, Barronnes, Proveftes and Bailhes of Burro wes , and uthers Officiares Judges and minifters oi Law, to quhom thay actions perteinis and effeiris, to be determined and decided ; Svva that na actiones fall be deduced, called, nor determined before the Lordes oi our Soveraine Lordis Councell , except allanerly actions perteining in fpecial to our Soveraine Lord, actions and complainres maid be Kirk-men, Widowes, Orphanes, and Pupilies, actions of ftrangers of uther Realmes, and complaints maid upon officiares , for fault of execurion of their of- fice , or quhair the officiars ar partie themfeife. And quhen ever the complainte is maid on the OfTiciar for wrangeous and inordinat proceeding in ony rnaters , and fummoundes be determined and given thereupon, the partie that lies perfewed or defended the action , fall be iummound and called die famin day , with the Officiar for their entres , and fpecial charge given , that the rolmentes of the court be brocht with them to that day, that it may be underftandin, quhidder it be richteouily proceeded and determined, or not. And gif it beis foundin , that the Officiar hes proceeded wrangeoufly , or unordourly : The procefe fall be reduced and annulled, and he to pay the expenfes of the partie , and tooepuniiheiatthewilloftheking, after the forme of the acte of Parliament maid in that mater of before. And gif the partie compleinzieand beis foundin in the wrang, be making of the complaint, he fall paye baith the expenfes of the Officiar and the partie. And gif the partie be not of power to pay the coaftes : I hen their perfones fall be at the will of the King, tane and punifhed be warding or prifcning of their perfones : Providing alwaies that this ftatute hurt not the proces of the falfing of doomes , quhair it pleafis the partie to proceede that way. And that all fummoundes , that arnowraifed, or ftandis under continuation , dependand and undetermined , fall be decided and ended be- fore the Lordes of Councell. And diis acte and ftatute till indure quhill die nixt Parliament. F I N I S. THE ACTS AND STATUTES That the haill CommifTioners of Burrowes defiris to be ratified and apprieved in this prefent Parliament, and to be put to execution for the honour of our Soveraine Lordis Hienefle, his Realme, and weil-fare of Merchandes. 1 06. Of Jaillers , to have halfe ane loft of glides. TEM, It is ftatute and ordained, that the attes of Parliament maid of befoir upon the greate multitude of fimple , unhoneft perfons Saillers foordi of ail Burrowes South and North, in the parts of Flanders, Holland, oiZeeland, micht be put till de we ex- ecution : Sa that na man faile in the faids parts in way of merchandice , bot iamous and worfhipfulJ men , having ilk ane of their awin halle a lafle of gudes , or havand fa- meikle in fteirage or governance, under the paine often pounde , to be raifed to O U R SOVERAINE LORDIS ufe , as the auld ades proportis. And als that na Merchande faill within die forefaide partes , bot gif he be a free-man of a Burgh , and indweller of the famin , under the faid paine. And that fearchoures micht be limit here-upon, havand power to execute and fearch the aftes, and raife the paine , and inbring the famin till our Soveraine Lordis Checker, als oft as they be foundin doand the contrair hereof. And the CommifTioners thinkis expedient , that in ilk Burgh, the Provefte , Baillies, and Cuilomers , be fearchoures, and anfwer hereof. 107. That Craftef-men ufand merchandice , remittee their Craft. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained, that the acte of Parliament , touching the Craftef-men ufand and deal- and with merchandice , micht be put to execution, fa that he that is a Craftef-man , outlier for-beare his merchandice, or elierenimce his Craft, but ony diflimulation or cullour, under the paine ofefcheitofthe merchati-