Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/96

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?8 KING JAMES THE T H R I T> to^Wquhat-fumever , in ony time hereafter , to give , grant , or in ony manner of way to annalie from the richt and propertie of our Crowne , in fee or life-rent , to ony perfon or perfones , of quhatfumever E- ftaite , degree , ordour , or condition he be of: The forefaidis Lordlhippes , Landes , Caftelles , Patro- nages of Kirkes, or ony part thereof, except the faid donation , or alienation , fall be maid with the advife, mature deliberation and decreit of Parliament of the three Eftaites of our Realme : And that for the evident commoditie , and manifeft utilitie of us , our Succeflbures and fubjecles. And gif it fall happen ony of the Lordlhippes , Landes , advocation of Kirkes within written , to be annalied or difponed be us, our Succef- foures Kingis of Scotland, in ony time hereafter , without mature deliberation , confent, and decreite of Parliament, or our evident commoditie, and manifeft utilitie of us , our Succeflbures and fubje&es , as faid is: The famin donation and alienation, fwa maid and granted , fallbeofnaftrength, force, noreflec~t: in fikforte that it fall beleifum rousand and our Succeflburs , Kings of Scotland, for the time, to take back and receive at his awin free will and pleafure without ony procefle of Law to be moved there , anent the faidis landes, Lordfhipes, Caftelles, and advocation of Kirkes , fwa alienate, contrairthetenourofthisftatute, to remaine as richt and property of our Crown , and to our awin proper ufe , notwithftanding the alienation thereof forefaid : And mair-over , all and findrie the perfones to quhome the faidis Lordlhippes , landes, Caftelles, Advocation of Kirkes was fwa given and annalied, fall be bound and oblilhed to reftore all and findrie fruftes , commodities , and emolumentes intrometted-with and taken up be them of the faidis landes, induring the haill time of the donation and alienation thereof, to us our Succeflbures , Kingis of this Realme for the time. And thir ar the Lord-fhippes , Landes , Caftelles and Advocation of Kirkes , united , incorpo- rated, and annexed to us , our Succeflbures and richt of our Crowne. Imprimis, All and haill the Lordihippe and Erledome of March , with the pertinents : All and haill' the landes of the Barronnies oiTiumbar , and Colbrands-peth , with the Caftel oi'Dumbar , with the toure and fortalice of Co/brands -pet h : All and haill the landes of the Lordfliip of ^Ahnanddail ', with the pertinents, with the Caftel of Lochmaban, with tennentes, tennendries, and lervice of free tennentes , of the faid Erie- dome and Lordihippe of CMarch , and of the forefaidis Barronnies of T)iimbar , and Colbrands-peth, and Lordfliip of Annanddail ', and Advocations of all and findrie Kirkes, Prebendaries and Chaplanaries pertein- and to the faidis Erledome, Barronnies and Lordlhippes : Mair-over to the efFedf: that this prefent ftatute may be the mair furely keiped and obferved : It is ftatute and ordained , that we fall give our bodiely aith, for the inviolable obfervation of the famin : And that all and findrie our Succeflbures , Kingis oi Scotland, fall be oblifhed to make the like aith in the time of their Coronation : In witnefle of the quhilkis all and findrie pre- mifles , our great feale, and the feales of the Venerable and Reverend Fathers in Chrift, Bifhoppes, Abbottes, Priors, togidder with the feales of our Lovits , Coufinges, Earles, Lordes, Barronnes, Free-halders , and Commiffioners of Burrowes , ar hereto hung and appended. 113. The Crownerfald have the horfe perteining to the malefacJores. IT is ftatute and ordained, that the ftatute maid of before, anent the gudes of the perfones that arjuftf- fled, and quhat part the Crownerfuld have thereof: and efpecial of this poynt , quhair it is faid , in die faid ftatute, of dantoned horfe un-fchod : that it be interpreted and declared in time to cum, in this waies: That the faid Crowners fall have dantoned horfe depute to warke , and not to the faddle, that was never fchod nor ufed to fchone. 114. x^fient ftrangers bringand in vitlualle, and uther is merchandice . AND Attour, for the commoun profite of the haill Realme, and to caufe ftrangers of uther Realmes to cum within the famin with viftualles and uther Merchandice , to die fupportation of the Kingis Lieges: It is ftatute and otdained that in time to cum, all ftrangeres be treated honorablie with all favoures, quhair ever they cum to ony Port of the Realme : And that nane of our Soveraine Lords Officiars , nor uther his Lieges, diftrouble them , nor put them felves, fchips nor gudes under arreift : Botthat they have full libertie and freedome to difpone upon their awin gudes, and fell them to free-men, without compuliion or violence : And that na price be let upon their gudes, bot be bying and felling with their awin confent. And that na new cuftomes, impofitions , nor exactions be raifed nor taken of them, bot after the auld ufe and con- fuetude : And quhair ony victualles of Merchandice cummis gaining for our Soveraine Lord : that his Comp- troller or receiver , after that the price be maid with the ftrangers, fall have fameikleofthefirft and belt, as is needefull to our Soveraine Lordis proper ufe , for the quhilk they fall make thankfull payment , but delay, that in default thereof, the ftrangers be not tarryed. And that in time to cum , na perfon under cullour of byeingto OUR SOVERAINE LORDIS ufe, take or receive mair gudes fra ftrangers, to regrate and fell againe , under the paine of banifhing the Realme , and tinfell and efcheitte of their mooveable gudes. And mair-over , that ftrangers now being within the Realme, that ar plainteous of ony gudes taken fra them, or injurie done to them , fall have incontinent payment maid to them , and reformation, according to Juftice. And in like- waies, gif ony ftrangers , that ar now abfent cummis hereafter to compleinzie , that they fall have reformation and Juftice of ony perfon within the Realme , but delay : Swa that throw miniftration of Juftice, and favorable treating of all ftrangers , they fall have occafion to cum and repaire in the land in time to cum, to the great utilitie of the haill Realme. i?, Com