Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/109

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OF CORNWALL. 103 Warden to issue his injuction for staying the ^'unction to be . .!• r !_• -."L 'jii issued, and con* said tinners from working m the said lands tinued, tiii trial or bounds, ' or adventures, and from carrying ^° ** «annary^ off the said tin stufFin question, till such doubt be tried in the stannary-court. And beit further ^« ^^ ^ *f enacted, that such trial shall be had by a spe- jury a^a^lai cial jury, at a special court on the surface of *^°"***f°?-Sli the place in which the dispute arises, if either *^ ' ' of the parties desire the same, by action of trespass to be brought for that purpose. And be it hereby further declared and enacted. Article 8, pagf that the eighth article passed in the convoca- ^' "p******- tion held in the reign of the late King James the Second, be and is hereby repealed. 10. Item. Whereas there are many an- loToprcvttn , 1 • i • r •' . . the buying and cient laws and constitutions of the stannaries removing of to prevent the buying and removing of black nl^h^^'^dA* tin by night, or otherwise than in the day- buying it of sut- time openly, and to prevent buying tin stuff p»"^"»i*«^^ or black tin, or the leavings of the blowing- bouses from suspicious persons that are not known to be adventurers, or owners in blowing -houses, or owners of lands, or bounds, or known proprieters of tin stuff or black tin. And whereas it is necessary for the The ancient good government of the stannaries, that such and enforced, laws should be revived and enforced ; Be it *"** "-enacted. therefore declared and enacted, that no per- son or persons shall buy any black tin or tin stuff, or the leavings of any blowing-house or smelting-house otherwise than openly, and of persons of honest repute, who are known to be adventurers in mines, or owners in blowing-houses or smdting-houses, or own- ers of lands or bounds, or known proprietors ^^'^"s <^»": . - . fy^ « 1 T • . ^ ^ ticted to fotleit of tin stuff or black tin, every person or per- double the value jj 2 sons o^^e^n bought