Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/114

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108 LAWS OF THE STANNARIES mp'^cNi^on to iIji^ then such share or part shall be divided^ taken up^ and carried on by the rest of the partners and adventurers in the said mine according to and in proportion to such parts and shares as they then respectively have in the said mine and adventure; and fbras- ifpwtacwind much as it may happen, that such partners outoftfaettan- and advcnturcrs may live and reside m disr "*'^* tant parts^ and out of the limits of the stan- naries^ so that they cannot be conveniently served with such copies of such accounts, and of such orders and decrees^ as may from die publishing of time to time in such cases be made; It is de»*iS*dwi2^ hereby declared and enacted, that where 9^Atm^ and guch partners and . adventurers as aforesaid, at a pabUc^tt Uvc Qiid rcsidc out of the limits of the stan- n^T^^ naries, that in such case the publishing or vice. reading such accounts^ and such orders and decrees at the mine^ and affixing copies of such accounts^ and of such orders and de* crees on any public place at the mine, shdl be deemed and taken to be to all intents and purposes, as good notice and service, and as effectual upon such partners and adventurers as aforesaid, as if he, she, or they had been personally served therewith. i». Penalty on 12, Item. Whcrcas streaming tinners ^Tv^ti^' under a pretence that they have a right pot water, or jjy virtue of the chartcr to turn water and water fram any •' i i /• i ancient mill, watcrcourscs, whcre and as often as need shall require for the working and searching fersons spoiling of tin, and thereby disturb and spoil pot SrtofSuik^ waters running to men's houses, and ^so divert water from ancient mills, and likewise disturb and spoil running waters out of ma- lice, contrary to the true intent and meaning of